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Showing words for ERRANT using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Errant
5 Letter Words for Errant
4 Letter Words for Errant
3 Letter Words for Errant
Definitions for Errant
[1] deviating from the regular or proper course; erring; straying.
[2] journeying or traveling, as a medieval knight in quest of adventure; roving adventurously.
[3] moving in an aimless or lightly changing manner: an errant breeze.
[4] archaic , or literary wandering in search of adventure
[5] erring or straying from the right course or accepted standards
Words related to Errant
stray, wayward, aberrant, unorthodox, erratic, deviating, devious, erring, fallible, heretic, meandering, mischievous, miscreant, naughty, rambling, roaming, roving, straying, unreliable, wandering
Words nearby Errant
erpf, err, errancy, errand, errand boy, errant, errantry, errare humanum est, errata, erratic, erratum
Origin of Errant
1300–50; Middle English erraunt < Middle French, Old French errant, present participle of errer, edrer to travel < Vulgar Latin *iterāre to journey, for Late Latin itinerārī, derivative of iter, stem itiner- journey (see itinerary); confused with Middle French errant, present participle of errer to err
Words that may be confused with Errant
Other words from Errant
er·rant·ly , adverb
non·er·rant , adjective
non·er·rant·ly , adverb
un·er·rant , adjective
un·er·rant·ly , adverb
Word origin for Errant
C14: from Old French: journeying, from Vulgar Latin iterāre (unattested), from Latin iter journey; influenced by Latin errāre to err
Synonyms for Errant
aberrant, erratic, offending, stray, unorthodox, wayward, deviating, devious, drifting, errable, erring, fallible, heretic, meandering, misbehaving, mischievous, miscreant, naughty, off straight and narrow, rambling, ranging, roaming, roving, shifting, sinning, straying, unreliable, wandering