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Showing words for ERUV using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Eruv
eruv, uvre
3 Letter Words for Eruv
rev, rue, ure, ver
Definitions for Eruv
[1] any of three rabbinical enactments that ease certain Sabbath restrictions.
[2] a line delineating an area in which Orthodox Jews may carry on certain activities normally forbidden on the Sabbath.
[3] Judaism an area, circumscribed by a symbolic line, within which certain activities forbidden to Orthodox Jews on the Sabbath are permitted
Words nearby Eruv
erumpent, erupt, eruption, eruptive, eruptive xanthoma, eruv, erv, ervil, ervin, ervine, erving
Origin of Eruv
From the Hebrew word ʿērūbh literally, mixture, mixing
Word origin for Eruv
C20: from Hebrew, literally: mixture, mixing