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Showing words for EUPHORBIA using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Euphorbia


8 Letter Words for Euphorbia

euphobia, euphoria

7 Letter Words for Euphorbia


6 Letter Words for Euphorbia

aperiu, barhop, biurea, brahui, ephori, europa, hairup, ourebi, peroba, phobia, phoria, pourie, prabhu, roupie, rupiah, upbear, upbore, uphroe, urophi

5 Letter Words for Euphorbia

abhor, abore, aperu, aroph, aurei, bahoe, bahur, barie, barih, baroi, behap, beira, bihar, bohea, burao, ephoi, ephor, erbia, haire, haori, harbi, heiau, hepar, herba, hiera, hiper, hoper, houri, obeah, ohare, opera, ophir, ouabe, ouphe, ourie, pabir, paire, pareo, pareu, perai, perau, phare, pharo, poire, poria, prahu, probe, purae, raphe, raupo, rebop, rehab, rubai, rubia, rupia, rupie, upbar, upher, uraei, urbia

4 Letter Words for Euphorbia

abir, abor, abri, aero, aire, aper, apio, arui, aube, baho, bapu, bare, bari, barp, baru, baur, bear, beau, bier, biro, boar, boer, bora, bore, borh, bori, brae, brei, brie, brio, buhr, bura, bure, burh, buri, buro, burp, ebro, eira, epha, eria, erub, euoi, euro, habu, hair, hapu, hare, haro, harp, heap, hear, heir, hera, herb, hero, herp, hipe, hire, hiro, hoar, hoer, hope, hopi, hora, hore, hour, huer, huia, hupa, hura, iare, irpe, iure, oahu, obia, ohia, opah, opai, orae, ouph, pahi, paho, pair, pare, pari, peai, pear, peba, peho, perh, peri, peru, phar, pier, piua, poha, pore, pour, prao, prau, prie, prio, proa, prob, pruh, puer, puir, pure, puri, rabi, rahu, raob, rape, reap, repo, rhea, rheo, ribe, ripa, ripe, robe, rope, roua, roub, roue, roup, rube, rupa, urao, urea, uria

3 Letter Words for Euphorbia

abo, abp, abr, abu, aer, ahi, aho, ahu, air, aob, aor, ape, aph, apr, arb, are, aru, auh, bae, bah, bai, bap, bar, ber, bhp, bio, boa, boe, boh, bop, bor, bpi, bra, bro, bur, ear, eau, eir, epa, epi, era, hab, hae, hao, hap, hau, hei, heo, hep, her, hia, hie, hip, hir, hoa, hob, hoe, hoi, hop, hor, hub, hue, hui, hup, iao, iba, ihp, iou, iph, ipo, ipr, ira, ire, oar, oba, obe, obi, oer, oie, opa, ope, ora, orb, ore, oui, oup, our, pah, par, pau, pea, peh, per, phi, pho, phr, phu, pia, pie, pir, piu, poa, pob, poh, poi, por, pre, pro, pua, pub, puh, pur, rab, rah, rai, rap, rbi, rea, reb, reh, rei, rep, rha, rhb, rhe, rho, ria, rib, rie, rio, rip, rob, roe, roi, rub, rue, ubi, upo, ura, urb, ure, urp

Definitions for Euphorbia

[1] any plant of the genus Euphorbia, comprising the spurges.
[2] any plant of the genus Euphorbia, such as the spurges and poinsettia: family Euphorbiaceae

Words nearby Euphorbia

euphonic, euphonious, euphonium, euphonize, euphony, euphorbia, euphorbia pilulifera, euphorbiaceous, euphoretic, euphoria, euphoriant

Origin of Euphorbia

1350–1400; Middle English euforbia for Latin euphorbea, an African plant named after Euphorbos, a Greek physician

Word origin for Euphorbia

C14 euforbia: from Latin euphorbea African plant named after Euphorbus, first-century ad Greek physician