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Showing words for EVALUATOR using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Evaluator


8 Letter Words for Evaluator

lavature, valuator, velatura

7 Letter Words for Evaluator

avolate, avouter, larvate, laurate, lavaret, levator, outrave, ovulate, torulae, travale, valuate, vaulter, velouta, volutae

6 Letter Words for Evaluator

alerta, alture, aortal, areola, aurate, aureal, avoure, elator, elutor, larvae, latera, lauter, lorate, louter, louvar, louver, oatear, outler, ouvert, ovular, relata, revolt, rotula, tavola, torula, travel, troule, tulare, uretal, valeta, valeur, valuer, valure, valuta, varlet, velour, velout, veruta, volata, voluta, volute

5 Letter Words for Evaluator

alate, alert, aleut, alout, altar, alter, alure, aluta, alvar, aorta, areal, artal, artel, artou, arulo, arval, arvel, atelo, atole, atour, atule, aulae, aural, autor, autre, avale, avera, avert, avoue, avour, erato, larva, larve, later, latro, laura, laure, laver, lavra, lerot, loave, loure, lovat, lover, lurve, lutea, luteo, luter, lutra, oater, orale, orate, orlet, orval, orvet, outer, outra, outre, ouvre, ovate, overt, ovule, ratal, ratel, ravel, reaal, realo, reata, relot, retal, roate, rotal, roule, route, rovet, talao, talar, talea, taler, tarau, tarea, tarve, taula, taver, telar, tolar, toral, torve, tovar, trave, troue, trouv, trove, ultra, urate, ureal, utero, uvala, uvate, uveal, valet, valor, value, vault, vaute, velar, vertu, volae, volar, volet, volta, volte, votal, voter

4 Letter Words for Evaluator

aero, alae, alar, aloe, alto, area, aret, arle, arte, arvo, atar, atle, atua, aula, aura, aute, auto, aval, aver, earl, eorl, eral, erat, eruv, etua, euro, eval, laer, laet, lare, lata, late, laur, lava, lave, lear, leat, leto, leva, levo, lora, lore, lota, lote, lour, lout, love, lura, lure, lute, olea, orae, oral, orle, outa, outr, oval, over, rale, rata, rate, rato, ratu, rave, real, role, rota, rote, rotl, roua, roue, roul, rout, rove, rule, ruta, taal, taar, tael, tala, tale, tara, tare, taro, taur, tava, tave, teal, tear, tela, tera, toea, tola, tole, tolu, tore, toru, tour, trav, true, tula, tule, ulta, ulto, ulva, ural, urao, urea, urol, urva, uvae, uval, uvea, uvre, vale, vara, vare, vatu, vaut, veal, veau, vela, velo, vera, vert, veta, veto, voar, voet, vola, vole, volt, vota, vote

3 Letter Words for Evaluator

aal, aer, ala, ale, alo, alt, aor, ara, are, art, aru, ate, aul, ava, ave, avo, ear, eat, eau, ela, elt, era, ert, eta, laa, lao, lar, lat, lav, lea, leo, ler, let, leu, lev, loa, loe, lor, lot, ltr, lue, luo, lur, lut, oar, oat, oer, ola, ole, ora, ore, orl, ort, our, out, ova, rat, rea, rel, rev, rle, roe, rot, rte, rue, rut, taa, tal, tao, tar, tau, tav, tea, tel, ter, tlo, tlr, toa, toe, tol, tor, tou, tov, tra, tua, tue, tur, ula, ule, ult, ura, ure, uta, ute, uva, vae, val, var, vat, vau, vel, ver, vet, voe, vol, vor

Definitions for Evaluator

[1] to determine or set the value or amount of; appraise: to evaluate property.
[2] to judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality of; assess: to evaluate the results of an experiment.
[3] Mathematics . to determine or calculate the numerical value of (a formula, function, relation, etc.).
[4] to ascertain or set the amount or value of
[5] to judge or assess the worth of; appraise
[6] maths logic to determine the unique member of the range of a function corresponding to a given member of its domain

Words related to Evaluator

evaluatereferee, court, expert, justice, authority, critic, inspector, connoisseur, reporter, commentator, analyst, appraiser, pundit, cartoonist, judge, reviewer, umpire, moderator, negotiator, peacemaker

Words nearby Evaluator

evaluateevacuee, evade, evadne, evaginate, evagination, evaluate, evaluation, evaluative, evan, evanesce, evanescent

Origin of Evaluator

eFirst recorded in 1835–45; back formation from evaluation

Other words from Evaluator

e·val·u·a·ble [ih-val -yoo-uh -buh l] /ɪˈvæl yu ə bəl/ , adjective
e·val·u·a·tive , adjective
e·val·u·a·tor , noun
mis·e·val·u·ate , verb (used with object), mis·e·val·u·at·ed, mis·e·val·u·at·ing.
non·e·val·u·a·tive , adjective
re·e·val·u·ate , verb (used with object), re·e·val·u·at·ed, re·e·val·u·at·ing.
un·e·val·u·at·ed , adjective

Word origin for Evaluator

eC19: back formation from evaluation, from French, from evaluer to evaluate; see value

Synonyms for Evaluator

authority, court, critic, expert, inspector, justice, referee, adjudicator, appraiser, arbiter, assessor, bench, chancellor, conciliator, honor, intercessor, intermediary, interpreter, judiciary, magistrate, marshal, moderator, negotiator, ombudsman, peacemaker, reconciler, umpire, warden, justice of peace, legal official, magister