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Showing words for EVASION using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Evasion
6 Letter Words for Evasion
5 Letter Words for Evasion
4 Letter Words for Evasion
3 Letter Words for Evasion
Definitions for Evasion
[1] an act or instance of escaping, avoiding, or shirking something: evasion of one's duty.
[2] the avoiding of an argument, accusation, question, or the like, as by a subterfuge: The old political boss was notorious for his practice of evasion.
[3] a means of evading; subterfuge; an excuse or trick to avoid or get around something: Her polite agreement was an evasion concealing what she really felt.
[4] physical or mental escape.
[5] an act or instance of violating the tax laws by failing or refusing to pay all or part of one's taxes.
[6] the act of evading or escaping, esp from a distasteful duty, responsibility, etc, by trickery, cunning, or illegal means tax evasion
[7] trickery, cunning, or deception used to dodge a question, duty, etc; means of evading
Words related to Evasion
prevarication, slip, artifice, pretext, ditch, lie, trickery, routine, dodge, evasiveness, excuse, sophism, cunning, equivocation, shift, ruse, trick, stall, sophistry, quibble
Words nearby Evasion
evaporimeter, evaporite, evapotranspiration, evaristus, evarts, evasion, evasive, evatt, eve, eve's pudding, evection
Origin of Evasion
1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin ēvāsiōn- (stem of ēvāsiō ), equivalent to ēvās(us ) (past participle of ēvādere to go out; see evade) + -iōn- -ion
Other words from Evasion
e·va·sion·al , adjective
non·e·va·sion , noun
pre·e·va·sion , noun
re·e·va·sion , noun
Word origin for Evasion
C15: from Late Latin ēvāsiō, from Latin ēvādere to go forth; see evade
Synonyms for Evasion
dodging, artifice, circumvention, cunning, ditch, dodge, elusion, equivocation, evasiveness, excuse, jive, lie, obliqueness, pretext, prevarication, quibble, routine, ruse, shift, shirking, shuffling, shunning, slip, sophism, sophistry, stall, subterfuge, trick, trickery, cop-out, equivocating, eschewal, evading, fancy footwork, fudging, fugiviteness, fugivity, run-around, stonewall