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Showing words for EVIL using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Evil
3 Letter Words for Evil
Definitions for Evil
[1] morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked: evil deeds; an evil life.
[2] harmful; injurious: evil laws.
[3] characterized or accompanied by misfortune or suffering; unfortunate; disastrous: to be fallen on evil days.
[4] due to actual or imputed bad conduct or character: an evil reputation.
[5] marked by anger, irritability, irascibility, etc.: He is known for his evil disposition.
[6] that which is evil; evil quality, intention, or conduct: to choose the lesser of two evils.
[7] the force in nature that governs and gives rise to wickedness and sin.
[8] the wicked or immoral part of someone or something: The evil in his nature has destroyed the good.
[9] harm; mischief; misfortune: to wish one evil.
[10] anything causing injury or harm: Tobacco is considered by some to be an evil.
[11] a harmful aspect, effect, or consequence: the evils of alcohol.
[12] a disease, as king's evil.
[13] in an evil manner; badly; ill: It went evil with him.
[14] the evil one , the devil; Satan.
[15] morally wrong or bad; wicked an evil ruler
[16] causing harm or injury; harmful an evil plan
[17] marked or accompanied by misfortune; unlucky an evil fate
[18] (of temper, disposition, etc) characterized by anger or spite
[19] not in high esteem; infamous an evil reputation
[20] offensive or unpleasant an evil smell
[21] slang good; excellent
[22] the quality or an instance of being morally wrong; wickedness the evils of war
[23] (sometimes capital) a force or power that brings about wickedness or harm evil is strong in the world
[24] archaic an illness or disease, esp scrofula (the king's evil )
[25] (now usually in combination) in an evil manner; badly evil-smelling
Words related to Evil
unpleasant, destructive, hateful, vile, malicious, vicious, heinous, ugly, bad, nefarious, villainous, corrupt, malevolent, hideous, wicked, harm, pain, catastrophe, calamity, ill
Words nearby Evil
evidence, evident, evidential, evidentiary, evidently, evil, evil eye, evil one, evil twin, evil-minded, evildoer
Origin of Evil
before 900; Middle English evel, evil, Old English yfel; cognate with Gothic ubils, Old High German ubil, German übel, Old Frisian, Middle Dutch evel
Other words from Evil
e·vil·ly , adverb
e·vil·ness , noun
non·e·vil , adjective
non·e·vil·ly , adverb
non·e·vil·ness , noun
qua·si-e·vil , adjective
qua·si-e·vil·ly , adverb
un·e·vil , adjective
un·e·vil·ly , adverb
Word origin for Evil
Old English yfel, of Germanic origin; compare Old Frisian evel, Old High German ubil evil, Old Irish adbal excessive
Synonyms for Evil
bad, corrupt, destructive, hateful, heinous, hideous, malevolent, malicious, nefarious, ugly, unpleasant, vicious, vile, villainous, wicked, base, foul, low, offensive, poison, reprobate, wrong, angry, atrocious, baneful, beastly, calamitous, damnable, depraved, disastrous, execrable, flagitious, harmful, iniquitous, injurious, loathsome, maleficent, malignant, no good, obscene, pernicious, rancorous, repugnant, repulsive, revolting, spiteful, stinking, unpropitious, wrathful