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Showing words for EXACTED using the English dictionary
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Definitions for Exacted
[1] strictly accurate or correct: an exact likeness; an exact description.
[2] precise, as opposed to approximate: the exact sum; the exact date.
[3] admitting of no deviation, as laws or discipline; strict or rigorous.
[4] capable of the greatest precision: exact instruments.
[5] characterized by or using strict accuracy: an exact thinker.
[6] Mathematics . (of a differential equation) noting that the collection of all terms, equated to zero, is an exact differential.
[7] to call for, demand, or require: to exact respect from one's children.
[8] to force or compel the payment, yielding, or performance of: to exact money; to exact tribute from a conquered people.
[9] correct in every detail; strictly accurate an exact copy
[10] precise, as opposed to approximate; neither more nor less the exact sum
[11] (prenominal) specific; particular this exact spot
[12] operating with very great precision exact instruments
[13] allowing no deviation from a standard; rigorous; strict an exact mind
[14] based mainly on measurement and the formulation of laws, as opposed to description and classification physics is an exact science
[15] to force or compel (payment or performance); extort to exact tribute
[16] to demand as a right; insist upon to exact respect from one's employees
[17] to call for or require this work exacts careful effort
Words related to Exacted
exactextort, wrest, impose, extract, compel, claim, levy, force, oblige, pinch, challenge, gouge, bleed, assess, coerce, requisition, call, wrench, solicit, command
Words nearby Exacted
exactex. doc., exa-, exabyte, exacerbate, exacerbation, exact, exact differential, exact science, exacta, exacting, exaction
Origin of Exacted
1400–50; late Middle English exacten (v.) < Latin exāctus (past participle of exigere drive out, thrust out), equivalent to ex- ex-1 + ag(ere ) to drive + -tus past participle suffix
Other words from Exacted
ex·act·a·ble , adjective
ex·act·er , ex·ac·tor , noun
ex·act·ness , noun
non·ex·act·a·ble , adjective
pre·ex·act , adjective, verb (used with object)
qua·si-ex·act , adjective
qua·si-ex·act·ly , adverb
un·ex·act·ed , adjective
Word origin for Exacted
C16: from Latin exactus driven out, from exigere to drive forth, from agere to drive
Synonyms for Exacted
compel, extort, extract, impose, wrest, assess, bleed, call, challenge, claim, coerce, command, constrain, force, gouge, levy, oblige, pinch, postulate, require, requisition, solicit, squeeze, wrench, wring, insist upon, lean on, put on, shake down