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Showing words for EXALTING using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Exalting


7 Letter Words for Exalting

atingle, elating, gelatin, genital, langite, tagline, tangile, telinga

6 Letter Words for Exalting

aglint, aiglet, alexin, algine, eating, engilt, entail, gelant, gelati, genial, gentil, gilten, ingate, legati, ligate, linage, linget, taeing, taigle, tailge, tangie, tangle, taxine, taxing, teaing, telang, tenail, tinage, tineal, tingle, xenial

5 Letter Words for Exalting

agent, agile, aglet, agnel, algin, alien, aliet, align, alite, altin, angel, angle, anile, anlet, ating, axile, axine, axing, axite, elain, elint, enlit, ental, entia, etang, exalt, exing, gaine, galen, galet, genal, genit, giant, gilet, glean, gleit, glent, glint, ingle, inlet, intel, ixtle, laeti, lagen, laine, langi, laten, latex, latin, legin, legit, lenti, lexia, liane, liang, ligan, ligne, linea, linga, linge, nagel, nexal, tagel, tangi, taxin, telia, tenai, tenga, tenia, tenla, texan, tiang, tinea, tinge, xenia

4 Letter Words for Exalting

agen, aget, agin, agit, agni, aiel, aile, aine, aint, alen, alin, anet, anil, ante, anti, atle, atli, axel, axil, axin, axle, egal, eila, elan, elix, engl, etna, exit, exla, exta, extg, gael, gaen, gaet, gail, gain, gait, gale, gali, galt, gane, gant, gate, geal, gean, geat, gein, geit, gena, genl, gent, geta, gien, gila, gile, gilt, gite, glei, glen, glia, glit, gnat, ilea, ilex, inga, inta, intl, ital, itel, laen, laet, lain, lait, lane, lang, lant, lanx, late, lati, lean, leat, lena, leng, lent, lien, lige, lina, line, ling, lint, lite, nael, nagi, naig, nail, nale, natl, neal, neat, neti, next, ngai, nile, nixe, tael, taen, taig, tail, tain, tale, tali, tane, tang, taxi, teal, tean, tega, teil, tela, teli, teng, tien, tige, tile, tine, ting, xian, xint

3 Letter Words for Exalting

age, agt, ail, ain, ait, aix, ale, alg, aln, alt, ane, ant, ate, ean, eat, ela, eli, elt, eng, enl, eta, ext, gal, gan, gat, gel, gen, get, gie, gin, git, glt, gte, ign, ile, ing, int, ita, lag, lai, lan, lat, lax, lea, leg, lei, let, lex, lie, lig, lin, lit, nae, nag, nat, nea, neg, nei, net, nie, nig, nil, nit, nix, tag, tai, tal, tan, tax, tea, teg, tel, ten, tex, tgn, tie, tig, til, tin, tln, tng, xat

Definitions for Exalting

[1] to raise in rank, honor, power, character, quality, etc.; elevate: He was exalted to the position of president.
[2] to praise; extol: to exalt someone to the skies.
[3] to stimulate, as the imagination: The lyrics of Shakespeare exalted the audience.
[4] to intensify, as a color: complementary colors exalt each other.
[5] Obsolete . to elate, as with pride or joy.
[6] to raise or elevate in rank, position, dignity, etc
[7] to praise highly; glorify; extol
[8] to stimulate the mind or imagination of; excite
[9] to increase the intensity of (a colour, etc)
[10] to fill with joy or delight; elate
[11] obsolete to lift up physically

Words related to Exalting

exaltglorify, magnify, dignify, laud, extol, revere, bless, acclaim, ennoble, raise, advance, applaud, intensify, eulogize, erect, worship, commend, apotheosize, upgrade, aggrandize

Words nearby Exalting

exaltexaggerate, exaggerated, exaggeration, exaggerative, exahertz, exalt, exaltation, exalted, exam, exam., examen

Origin of Exalting

1375–1425; late Middle English exalten < Latin exaltāre to lift up, equivalent to ex- ex-1 + alt(us ) high + -āre infinitive ending

Words that may be confused with Exalting

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, exaltexalt, exult

Other words from Exalting

ex·alt·er , noun
self-ex·alt·ing , adjective
su·per·ex·alt , verb (used with object)
un·ex·alt·ing , adjective

Word origin for Exalting

C15: from Latin exaltāre to raise, from altus high

Synonyms for Exalting

dignify, extol, glorify, laud, magnify, revere, acclaim, advance, aggrandize, apotheosize, applaud, bless, boost, commend, distinguish, ennoble, erect, eulogize, honor, idolize, intensify, raise, sublime, transfigure, upgrade, worship, build up, halo, pay homage to, pay tribute to, set on pedestal, uprear