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Showing words for EXAMINER using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Examiner
7 Letter Words for Examiner
6 Letter Words for Examiner
5 Letter Words for Examiner
4 Letter Words for Examiner
3 Letter Words for Examiner
Definitions for Examiner
[1] to inspect or scrutinize carefully: to examine a prospective purchase.
[2] to observe, test, or investigate (a person's body or any part of it), especially in order to evaluate general health or determine the cause of illness.
[3] to inquire into or investigate: to examine one's motives.
[4] to test the knowledge, reactions, or qualifications of (a pupil, candidate, etc.), as by questions or assigning tasks.
[5] to subject to legal inquisition; put to question in regard to conduct or to knowledge of facts; interrogate: to examine a witness; to examine a suspect.
[6] one who examines or inspects
[7] a person who sets or marks an examination
[8] law (in the Republic of Ireland) a person appointed by a court to ensure the survival of an Irish public limited company
[9] to look at, inspect, or scrutinize carefully or in detail; investigate
[10] education to test the knowledge or skill of (a candidate) in (a subject or activity) by written or oral questions or by practical tests
[11] law to interrogate (a witness or accused person) formally on oath
[12] med to investigate the state of health of (a patient)
Words related to Examiner
examineinspector, auditor, investigator, appraiser, questioner, proctor, researcher, inquisitor, inquirer, reviewer, interrogator, analyst, assayer, quizzer, quizmaster, scrutinizer, checker, prober
Words nearby Examiner
examineexam., examen, examinant, examination, examination for discovery, examine, examine-in-chief, examinee, examiner, examinership, examplar
Origin of Examiner
1275–1325; Middle English < Middle French examiner < Latin exāmināre to weigh, examine, test, equivalent to exāmin- (stem of exāmen examen) + -āre infinitive ending
Other words from Examiner
ex·am·in·a·ble , adjective
ex·am·i·na·to·ri·al [ig-zam-uh -nuh -tawr -ee-uh l, -tohr -] /ɪgˌzæm ə nəˈtɔr i əl, -ˈtoʊr-/ , adjective
ex·am·in·er , noun
ex·am·in·ing·ly , adverb
pre·ex·am·ine , verb (used with object), pre·ex·am·ined, pre·ex·am·in·ing.
pre·ex·am·in·er , noun
sub·ex·am·in·er , noun
su·per·ex·am·in·er , noun
un·ex·am·in·a·ble , adjective
un·ex·am·ined , adjective
un·ex·am·in·ing , adjective
well-ex·am·ined , adjective
Word origin for Examiner
C14: from Old French examiner, from Latin exāmināre to weigh, from exāmen means of weighing; see examen
Synonyms for Examiner
appraiser, auditor, inspector, investigator, analyst, assayer, checker, inquirer, inquisitor, interrogator, proctor, questioner, quizmaster, quizzer, researcher, reviewer, scrutinizer, prober