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Showing words for EXANTHEMA using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Exanthema
8 Letter Words for Exanthema
anatheme, exanthem
7 Letter Words for Exanthema
anathem, anthema, emanate, manatee, meataxe, methane, xantham
6 Letter Words for Exanthema
amante, amenta, aneath, anthem, athena, athene, axeman, axemen, entame, ethane, examen, hamate, heaten, hetman, hexane, mahant, meathe, mentha, menthe, taheen, taxeme, taxman, taxmen, teaman
5 Letter Words for Exanthema
ahent, amant, amate, ameen, amene, ament, antae, atame, atman, axman, axmen, eaten, eathe, emane, enate, enema, enhat, entea, exeat, haman, heame, heman, hemen, mahat, manat, maneh, manet, manta, matax, matha, mathe, meane, meant, meath, meeth, menat, menta, metae, nathe, neath, tanha, teman, texan, thana, thane, thema, theme
4 Letter Words for Exanthema
ahem, amah, amen, amex, anam, anat, anet, anta, ante, atma, eath, enam, eten, ethe, etna, exam, exta, haen, hame, hant, hate, heat, heme, hent, hete, hexa, maat, maha, mana, mane, mant, manx, mata, mate, math, mean, meat, meet, mene, ment, meta, mete, meth, naam, name, neat, neem, neet, nema, nete, neth, next, taen, taha, tame, tana, tane, tanh, taxa, team, tean, teem, teen, teme, tene, thae, than, thea, thee, them, then, xeme
3 Letter Words for Exanthema
aah, aam, aha, ama, ame, amt, ana, ane, ant, ate, atm, eam, ean, eat, een, eme, ene, eta, eth, ext, hae, ham, han, hat, hee, hem, hen, het, hex, maa, mae, man, mat, max, mea, mee, meh, men, met, mna, mtn, mtx, naa, nae, nah, nam, nat, nea, nee, net, nth, taa, tam, tan, tax, tea, tee, tem, ten, tex, tha, the, thm, tmh, xat
Definitions for Exanthema
[1] exanthem.
[2] a skin eruption or rash occurring as a symptom in a disease such as measles or scarlet fever
Words nearby Exanthema
examinership, examplar, example, exanimate, exanthem, exanthema, exanthema subitum, exaptation, exarate, exarch, exarchate
Origin of Exanthema
First recorded in 1650–60
Other words from Exanthema
ex•an′the•mat′ ic (ĭg-zăn′-thə-măt′ ĭk ) null adj.
Word origin for Exanthema
C17: via Late Latin from Greek, from exanthein to burst forth, from anthein to blossom, from anthos flower