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Showing words for EXCAVATED using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Excavated
8 Letter Words for Excavated
7 Letter Words for Excavated
6 Letter Words for Excavated
5 Letter Words for Excavated
4 Letter Words for Excavated
3 Letter Words for Excavated
Definitions for Excavated
[1] to make hollow by removing the inner part; make a hole or cavity in; form into a hollow, as by digging: The ground was excavated for a foundation.
[2] to make (a hole, tunnel, etc.) by removing material.
[3] to dig or scoop out (earth, sand, etc.).
[4] to expose or lay bare by or as if by digging; unearth: to excavate an ancient city.
[5] to remove (soil, earth, etc) by digging; dig out
[6] to make (a hole, cavity, or tunnel) in (solid matter) by hollowing or removing the centre or inner part to excavate a tooth
[7] to unearth (buried objects) methodically in an attempt to discover information about the past
Words related to Excavated
excavateunearth, uncover, shovel, scrape, gouge, cut, quarry, grub, tunnel, mine, hollow, trench, scoop, burrow, spade, delve, empty
Words nearby Excavated
excavateexc., excalation, excalibur, excardination, excaudate, excavate, excavation, excavation of optic disk, excavator, exceed, exceedance
Origin of Excavated
1590–1600; < Latin excavātus (past participle of excavāre to hollow out), equivalent to ex- ex-1 + cav(um ) hollow, cave + -ātus -ate1
Other words from Excavated
re·ex·ca·vate , verb (used with object), re·ex·ca·vat·ed, re·ex·ca·vat·ing.
un·ex·ca·vat·ed , adjective
Word origin for Excavated
C16: from Latin excavāre, from cavāre to make hollow, from cavus hollow
Synonyms for Excavated
scrape, shovel, uncover, unearth, burrow, cut, delve, empty, gouge, grub, hollow, mine, quarry, scoop, spade, trench, tunnel