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Showing words for EXCITED using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Excited
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3 Letter Words for Excited
Definitions for Excited
[1] stirred emotionally; agitated: An excited crowd awaited the arrival of the famed rock group.
[2] stimulated to activity; brisk: an excited buying and selling of stocks.
[3] to arouse or stir up the emotions or feelings of: to excite a person to anger; actions that excited his father's wrath.
[4] to arouse or stir up (emotions or feelings): to excite jealousy or hatred.
[5] to cause; awaken: to excite interest or curiosity.
[6] to stir to action; provoke or stir up: to excite a dog by baiting him.
[7] Physiology . to stimulate: to excite a nerve.
[8] Electricity . to supply with electricity for producing electric activity or a magnetic field: to excite a dynamo.
[9] Physics . to raise (an atom, molecule, etc.) to an excited state.
[10] emotionally aroused, esp to pleasure or agitation
[11] characterized by excitement an excited dance
[12] sexually aroused
[13] (of an atom, molecule, etc) occupying an energy level above the ground state
[14] to arouse (a person) to strong feeling, esp to pleasurable anticipation or nervous agitation
[15] to arouse or elicit (an emotion, response, etc); evoke her answers excited curiosity
[16] to cause or bring about; stir up to excite a rebellion
[17] to arouse sexually
[18] physiol to cause a response in or increase the activity of (an organ, tissue, or part); stimulate
[19] to raise (an atom, molecule, electron, nucleus, etc) from the ground state to a higher energy level
[20] to supply electricity to (the coils of a generator or motor) in order to create a magnetic field
[21] to supply a signal to a stage of an active electronic circuit
Words related to Excited
nervous, enthusiastic, delighted, eager, disturbed, agitated, passionate, hysterical, annoyed, thrilled, moved, disconcerted, inflamed, provoked, stimulated, wired, animated, charged, stirred, ruffled
Words nearby Excited
excitation, excitation wave, excitative, excitatory postsynaptic potential, excite, excited, excited state, excitement, exciter, exciter lamp, exciting
Origin of Excited
1300–50; Middle English < Latin excitāre, equivalent to ex- ex-1 + citāre, frequentative of ciēre to set in motion
Words that may be confused with Excited
Other words from Excited
ex·cit·ed·ly , adverb
ex·cit·ed·ness , noun
hy·per·ex·cit·ed , adjective
su·per·ex·cit·ed , adjective
un·ex·cit·ed , adjective
pre·ex·cite , verb (used with object), pre·ex·cit·ed, pre·ex·cit·ing.
Word origin for Excited
C14: from Latin excitāre, from exciēre to stimulate, from ciēre to set in motion, rouse
Synonyms for Excited
agitated, annoyed, delighted, disturbed, eager, enthusiastic, hysterical, nervous, passionate, thrilled, animated, aroused, awakened, charged, discomposed, disconcerted, inflamed, moved, piqued, provoked, roused, ruffled, stimulated, stirred, wired, aflame, beside oneself, feverish, fired up, frantic, high, hot, hot and bothered, hyperactive, in a tizzy, juiced up, jumpy, keyed up, on edge, on fire, overwrought, steamed up, tumultous/tumultuous, wild, worked up, zipped up