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Showing words for EXCRESCENCE using the English dictionary
11 Letter Words for Excrescence
10 Letter Words for Excrescence
9 Letter Words for Excrescence
8 Letter Words for Excrescence
7 Letter Words for Excrescence
6 Letter Words for Excrescence
censer, cernes, creese, excern, exerce, recces, reseen, resene, scerne, screen, secern, serene, sexern
5 Letter Words for Excrescence
cense, ceres, cerne, creen, cresc, ernes, esere, execs, exsec, neese, recce, reens, reese, resee, resex, rexen, rexes, scene, scree, secre, sence, senex, sexer, sneer, xeres
4 Letter Words for Excrescence
cees, cene, cens, cere, cern, cres, crex, ecce, enes, ense, eres, erne, erns, erse, esne, exec, exes, neer, nese, nsec, recs, reen, rees, seen, seer, sene, sere, snee
3 Letter Words for Excrescence
cee, cen, cer, cns, crc, crs, csc, ecc, eec, een, eer, enc, ene, ens, ere, ern, ers, esc, ese, esr, exc, exr, nee, rec, ree, res, rex, scr, sec, see, sen, ser, sex
Definitions for Excrescence
[1] an abnormal outgrowth, usually harmless, on an animal or vegetable body.
[2] a normal outgrowth, as hair or horns.
[3] any disfiguring addition.
[4] abnormal growth or increase.
[5] a projection or protuberance, esp an outgrowth from an organ or part of the body
Words related to Excrescence
knob, outgrowth, wart, lump, enlargement, accretion, pimple
Words nearby Excrescence
excoriate, excoriation, excorticate, excrement, excrementitious, excrescence, excrescency, excrescent, excreta, excrete, excretion
Origin of Excrescence
First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English word from Latin word excrēscentia. See excrescent, -ence
Other words from Excrescence
su·per·ex·cres·cence , noun