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Showing words for EXERGUE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Exergue
6 Letter Words for Exergue
5 Letter Words for Exergue
4 Letter Words for Exergue
eger, euge, eure, geer, gere, gree, grex, grue, urge
3 Letter Words for Exergue
eeg, eer, ere, erg, exr, gee, ger, grx, gue, gur, ree, reg, rex, rue, rug, rux, ure
Definitions for Exergue
[1] the space below the device on a coin or medal, sometimes separated from the field by a line.
[2] a space on the reverse of a coin or medal below the central design, often containing the date, place of minting, etc
Words nearby Exergue
exercitation, exercycle, exeresis, exergaming, exergonic, exergue, exert, exert oneself, exertainment, exertion, exeter
Origin of Exergue
1690–1700; < French, apparently < Greek ex- ex-3 + érgon work
Other words from Exergue
ex·ergu·al [ig-zur -guh l, ek-sur -] /ɪgˈzɜr gəl, ɛkˈsɜr-/ , adjective
Word origin for Exergue
C17: from French, from Medieval Latin exergum, from Greek ex outside + ergon work