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Showing words for EXHALING using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Exhaling
7 Letter Words for Exhaling
6 Letter Words for Exhaling
5 Letter Words for Exhaling
4 Letter Words for Exhaling
3 Letter Words for Exhaling
Definitions for Exhaling
[1] to emit breath or vapor; breathe out.
[2] to pass off as vapor; pass off as an effluence.
[3] to breathe out; emit (air, vapor, sound, etc.): to exhale a sigh.
[4] to give off as vapor: The engine exhaled steam.
[5] to draw out as a vapor or effluence; evaporate.
[6] to expel (breath, tobacco smoke, etc) from the lungs; breathe out
[7] to give off (air, vapour, fumes, etc) or (of air, vapour, etc) to be given off; emanate
Words related to Exhaling
exhalebreathe, emit, vaporize, eject, expel, emanate, respire, evaporate, discharge, issue, steam
Words nearby Exhaling
exhaleexfoliative cytology, exfoliative dermatitis, exfoliative gastritis, exhalant, exhalation, exhale, exhaust, exhaust fan, exhaust manifold, exhaust stroke, exhaust system
Origin of Exhaling
e1350–1400; Middle English exalen < Latin exhālāre, equivalent to ex- ex-1 + hālāre to breathe
Other words from Exhaling
un·ex·haled , adjective
Word origin for Exhaling
eC14: from Latin exhālāre to breathe out, from hālāre to breathe
Synonyms for Exhaling
breathe, emit, give off, let out, discharge, eject, emanate, evaporate, expel, issue, respire, steam, vaporize