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Showing words for EXON using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Exon
exon, noex, oxen
3 Letter Words for Exon
eon, neo, nox, one
Definitions for Exon
[1] (in Britain) one of four yeomen of the guard who act as commanding officers in the absence of higher authority.
[2] any portion of an interrupted gene that is represented in the RNA product and is translated into protein.
[3] British one of the four officers who command the Yeomen of the Guard
[4] any segment of a discontinuous gene the segments of which are separated by introns Compare intron
Words nearby Exon
exogenous, exogenous fiber, exogenous hyperglyceridemia, exome, exomphalos, exon, exonarthex, exonerate, exonuclease, exonumia, exonumist
Origin of Exon
21975–80; ex(pressed sequence) + -on1
Other words from Exon
ex•on′ ic adj.
Word origin for Exon
C20: from ex- 1 + -on