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Showing words for EXPANSIVE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Expansive
7 Letter Words for Expansive
6 Letter Words for Expansive
5 Letter Words for Expansive
4 Letter Words for Expansive
3 Letter Words for Expansive
Definitions for Expansive
[1] having a wide range or extent; comprehensive; extensive: expansive mountain scenery.
[2] (of a person's character or speech) effusive, unrestrained, free, or open: Our expansive host welcomed us warmly.
[3] tending to expand or capable of expanding.
[4] causing expansion: the expansive force of heat.
[5] working by expansion, as an engine.
[6] Psychiatry . marked by an abnormal euphoric state and by delusions of grandeur.
[7] able or tending to expand or characterized by expansion
[8] wide; extensive
[9] friendly, open, or talkative an expansive person
[10] grand or extravagant an expansive way of life
[11] psychiatry lacking restraint in the expression of feelings, esp in having delusions of grandeur or being inclined to overvalue oneself or one's work
Words related to Expansive
extensive, inclusive, far-reaching, wide-ranging, lavish, generous, ample, big, elastic, great, large, thorough, voluminous, wide, widespread, expansile, all-embracing, dilatant, unrepressed, unsuppressed
Words nearby Expansive
expansion slot, expansion team, expansion wave, expansionary, expansionism, expansive, expansive bit, expansive classification, expansivity, expat, expatiate
Origin of Expansive
First recorded in 1645–55; expans(ion) + -ive
Words that may be confused with Expansive
expansive, expensive, (see, synonym, study, at, expensive)
Other words from Expansive
ex·pan·sive·ly , adverb
ex·pan·sive·ness , noun
non·ex·pan·sive , adjective
non·ex·pan·sive·ly , adverb
non·ex·pan·sive·ness , noun
o·ver·ex·pan·sive , adjective
o·ver·ex·pan·sive·ly , adverb
o·ver·ex·pan·sive·ness , noun
un·ex·pan·sive , adjective
un·ex·pan·sive·ly , adverb
un·ex·pan·sive·ness , noun
Synonyms for Expansive
extensive, far-reaching, inclusive, wide-ranging, all-embracing, ample, big, dilatant, elastic, expanding, expansile, great, large, scopic, scopious, stretching, thorough, unrepressed, unsuppressed, voluminous, wide, widespread