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Showing words for EXPATIATION using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Expatiation


9 Letter Words for Expatiation


8 Letter Words for Expatiation

axiation, notitiae, opiniate, patinate, petition, taxation

7 Letter Words for Expatiation

antapex, antipot, antitax, apatite, ataxite, atiptoe, atopite, axinite, epatant, epinaoi, exition, notitia, oxanate, paeonia, patient, petitio, pianeta, piation, pientao, piotine, pittine, tetania, titania

6 Letter Words for Expatiation

aition, anatox, anatto, anepia, anopia, anotia, anotta, anoxia, antiae, aponia, aptate, aptote, atonia, atopen, attain, attone, axiate, extant, intext, ionate, notate, opiane, opiate, optant, optate, otiant, oxtant, pantie, patent, patina, patine, patten, pentit, pianet, piatti, pieton, pinata, pineta, pinite, pinxit, pitten, pointe, pontie, potate, potent, tainte, taipan, taipei, tantie, taotai, tapeta, tapeti, tapnet, taxine, taxite, teapot, teopan, tienta, tiento, tiepin, tinpot, tintie, tiponi, tiptoe, titano, titian, titien, tonite, topnet, toxine

5 Letter Words for Expatiation

aetat, ainoi, anoia, antae, apian, apiin, apnea, atone, attap, axine, axion, axite, axone, enapt, enpia, entia, epona, ettin, exion, exopt, expat, inapt, inept, ionia, ixion, napea, nepit, netop, niata, niepa, niota, nitta, nixie, oaten, opine, otate, oxane, paean, paeon, paine, paint, panax, panto, patao, paten, patia, patin, patio, patta, patte, paxto, penta, petit, petti, petto, piano, pieta, pinax, pinot, pinta, pinte, pinto, piton, pitta, pixie, point, potin, potti, taino, taint, taipo, tania, tanoa, tanti, tanto, tapen, tapet, tapia, tapit, tapoa, tatie, tatin, taxin, taxon, tenai, tenia, tenio, texan, tinea, tinta, tipit, titan, topia, toxin, xenia, xoana

4 Letter Words for Expatiation

aina, aine, aint, aion, anat, anet, anoa, anta, ante, anti, aona, apex, apia, apii, apio, atap, atip, atop, atta, atte, attn, axin, axon, ento, eoan, epit, etat, etna, eton, exit, exon, expo, expt, exta, iaea, inia, init, inta, inti, into, iota, itai, ixia, naio, naoi, napa, nape, nato, neap, neat, nepa, neti, next, nipa, nito, nixe, noex, noix, nope, nota, note, nott, noxa, oint, opai, open, otxi, oxan, oxea, oxen, pain, pana, pane, pant, paon, pata, pate, pato, patt, peai, pean, peat, peni, pent, peon, peta, peto, pian, pien, piet, pina, pine, pino, pint, pinx, pion, pita, pnxt, poet, pone, pont, pote, poti, pott, taen, tain, tait, tana, tane, tapa, tape, tate, taxa, taxi, tean, teap, teat, tent, tepa, text, tiao, tien, tine, tint, tipe, tipt, tite, titi, toat, toea, toit, tone, tope, topi, tote, toxa, xian, xint

3 Letter Words for Expatiation

aia, ain, ait, aix, ana, ane, ant, apa, ape, apt, apx, ate, atp, att, ean, eat, eon, epa, epi, eta, exp, ext, iaa, iao, int, ion, ipo, ita, naa, nae, nap, nat, nea, nei, neo, nep, net, nie, nip, nit, nix, noa, not, nox, oat, oie, oii, ona, one, oni, ont, opa, ope, opt, pan, pat, pax, pea, pen, pet, pia, pie, pin, pit, pix, poa, poi, pon, pot, pox, pta, pte, ptt, taa, tai, tan, tao, tap, tat, tax, tea, ten, tet, tex, tie, tin, tip, tit, tnt, toa, toe, toi, ton, top, tot, tox, tpi, txt, xat, xii

Definitions for Expatiation

[1] to enlarge in discourse or writing; be copious in description or discussion: to expatiate upon a theme.
[2] Archaic . to move or wander about intellectually, imaginatively, etc., without restraint.
[3] (foll by on or upon ) to enlarge (on a theme, topic, etc) at length or in detail; elaborate (on)
[4] rare to wander about

Words related to Expatiation

expatiatelecture, elaboration, dissertation, homily, exhortation, harangue, descant, recitation, declamation, spiel, discourse, allocution, oration, monologue, epilogue, sermon, disquisition, screed, peroration, development

Words nearby Expatiation

expatiateexpansive, expansive bit, expansive classification, expansivity, expat, expatiate, expatriate, expatriation, expect, expectancy, expectant

Origin of Expatiation

e1530–40; < Latin expatiātus past participle of ex(s)patiārī to wander, digress, equivalent to ex- ex-1 + spatiārī to walk about, derivative of spatium space; see -ate1

Other words from Expatiation

ex·pa·ti·a·tion , noun
ex·pa·ti·a·tor , noun

Word origin for Expatiation

eC16: from Latin exspatiārī to digress, from spatiārī to walk about

Synonyms for Expatiation

lecture, allocution, declamation, descant, discourse, disquisition, dissertation, epilogue, exhortation, harangue, homily, monologue, oration, peroration, recitation, screed, sermon, spiel, chalk talk, prelection