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Showing words for EXPORTATION using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Exportation


9 Letter Words for Exportation

antitrope, epotation, exoration, exotropia, extortion, operation, paintroot, patronite, protonate, reptation, tritanope

8 Letter Words for Exportation

anteport, apertion, atropine, exortion, expiator, expirant, opinator, optation, patentor, patootie, potation, retation, rotation, tentoria, tetraxon, triptane, tropaion

7 Letter Words for Exportation

antipot, apeiron, arnotto, atiptoe, atopite, atropin, extrait, intrate, iterant, nattier, nitrate, notator, notoire, ontario, operant, oration, ornoite, otarine, painter, partite, patient, patriot, patroon, pattern, pentrit, pertain, petitor, pientao, pinxter, poetito, pointer, portate, portato, portent, portion, potator, pottaro, pottern, pottier, pronaoi, pronate, pronota, protean, protein, protext, protone, pterion, rattoon, repaint, repoint, reptant, taintor, taproot, tartine, tearpit, tertian, tornote, torpent, tortoni, toxotae, triaxon, tritone, tropate, tropein, tropine

6 Letter Words for Exportation

anotto, anteri, aptote, areito, aroint, arpent, atoner, atopen, attern, attire, attone, attorn, enrapt, enroot, entrap, entria, epirot, epitra, export, extant, extirp, extort, inport, intext, intort, intrap, ionate, napier, natrix, natter, nerita, nipter, nitter, norate, norite, norito, notate, nritta, opaion, operon, opiane, opiate, opiner, optant, optate, option, orante, orexin, orient, ornate, orpine, otiant, oxtant, panter, pantie, parent, pariet, parine, parten, partie, parton, patent, patine, patrin, patrix, patron, patten, patter, pattoo, pentit, pernio, pianet, pieton, pineta, pioner, pirate, piroot, pitten, pitter, pointe, ponier, pontie, pooter, porett, porina, porion, porite, portia, portio, potate, potato, potent, potion, potter, poxier, pratie, pretan, pretax, proine, pronto, protax, protea, protei, proton, pteria, pterin, pterna, pteron, rapine, ratine, ration, ratite, ratoon, ratten, ratton, retain, retina, retint, roopit, ropani, rotate, rottan, rotten, tainte, tanier, tantie, tapeti, tapnet, tarpon, tarpot, tarten, taxine, taxite, teapot, tentor, teopan, terpin, tertia, tertio, terton, tetrao, tienta, tiento, tinpot, tinter, tiptoe, titano, tonier, tonite, tooart, toonie, toorie, tooter, topato, topnet, torino, torpex, torten, tortie, totora, toxine, toxone, trepan, tripot, triton, tropia, tropin

5 Letter Words for Exportation

aeron, antre, apert, aport, apron, apter, arent, arett, ariot, arite, aroon, arpen, atone, atren, atrip, atter, axine, axion, axite, axone, enapt, enpia, entia, epona, erato, ettin, exion, exopt, expat, extra, inapt, inept, inert, inter, intra, intro, iortn, irate, irena, irone, ixora, napoo, nepit, netop, niepa, niota, niter, nitro, nitta, nixer, noire, noria, norie, norit, noter, oaten, oater, oorie, opera, opine, opter, orant, orate, orion, orpin, orpit, ortet, otate, ottar, otter, oxane, oxter, paeon, paine, paint, paire, pairt, panto, paren, pareo, parte, parti, parto, paten, patin, patio, patte, paxto, peart, penta, perai, perit, petar, petit, petri, petro, petti, petto, piano, piert, pieta, pinax, piner, pinot, pinta, pinte, pinto, pirot, piton, pitta, point, poire, ponto, poori, poort, poret, poria, porno, porta, porte, porto, poter, potin, potti, potto, prate, pratt, prent, preta, prine, print, prion, proin, prone, prote, proto, raine, ratio, ratoo, ratti, reina, repin, repot, retan, retax, retia, retin, retip, riant, ripen, roate, roneo, ronte, rooti, rotan, rotta, rotte, taino, taint, taipo, tairn, tanti, tanto, tapen, taper, tapet, tapir, tapit, tarie, tarin, tarot, tarte, tater, tatie, tatin, tatoo, taxer, taxin, taxir, taxon, taxor, teart, tenai, tenia, tenio, tenor, tepor, terai, terap, terna, tetra, tetri, texan, tinea, tinta, titan, titar, titer, toner, tonto, toona, toper, topia, topoi, toran, toret, torot, torta, torte, toter, toxin, toxon, train, trait, trant, trape, trapt, treat, trina, trine, tripe, tript, trite, troat, trona, trone, troop, troot, trope, xenia

4 Letter Words for Exportation

aero, aine, aint, aion, aire, airn, airt, anet, anre, ante, anti, aper, apex, apio, aren, aret, arni, arno, arte, atip, atop, atte, attn, axer, axin, axon, earn, eira, ento, entr, eoan, epit, erat, eria, erin, etat, etna, eton, exit, exon, exor, expo, expt, exta, iare, inro, inta, into, intr, iota, iran, iron, irpe, iter, naio, naoi, nape, nare, nato, natr, neap, near, neat, nepa, neti, next, nipa, nito, nixe, noex, noir, noix, noop, nope, nore, nori, nota, note, nott, noxa, oint, oner, onto, oont, opai, open, orae, oran, oreo, orna, otoe, otto, otxi, oxan, oxea, oxen, oxer, pain, pair, pane, pant, paon, pare, pari, part, pate, pato, patt, peai, pean, pear, peat, peni, pent, peon, peri, pern, pert, peta, peto, pian, pien, pier, piet, pina, pine, pino, pint, pinx, pion, pirn, pita, pnxt, poet, pone, pont, pooa, poon, poor, poot, pore, porn, port, pote, poti, pott, prao, prat, pret, prex, prie, prin, prio, prix, proa, pron, proo, prox, rain, rait, rane, rant, rape, rapt, rate, rato, rean, reap, rein, reit, reno, rent, repo, rept, rine, riot, ripa, ripe, ript, rita, rite, ritt, roan, roin, roit, rone, ront, roon, roop, root, rope, rota, rote, roti, roto, taen, tain, tait, tane, tape, tare, tari, tarn, taro, tarp, tart, tate, taxi, tean, teap, tear, teat, tent, tepa, tera, tern, terp, text, tiao, tiar, tien, tier, tine, tint, tipe, tipt, tire, tite, toat, toea, toit, tone, toon, toop, toot, tope, topi, topo, tore, tori, torn, toro, tort, tote, toto, toxa, trap, trat, tret, trie, trin, trio, trip, trit, trna, tron, trop, trot, xian, xint

3 Letter Words for Exportation

aer, ain, air, ait, aix, ane, ant, aor, ape, apr, apt, apx, are, arn, art, arx, ate, atp, att, ean, ear, eat, eir, eon, epa, epi, era, ern, ert, eta, exp, exr, ext, iao, int, ion, ipo, ipr, ira, ire, ita, nae, nap, nar, nat, nea, nei, neo, nep, net, nie, nip, nit, nix, noa, noo, nor, not, nox, oar, oat, oer, oie, ona, one, oni, ono, ont, oon, oop, oor, oot, opa, ope, opt, ora, ore, ort, oto, oxo, pan, par, pat, pax, pea, pen, per, pet, pia, pie, pin, pir, pit, pix, poa, poi, pon, poo, por, pot, pox, pre, prn, pro, pta, pte, ptt, rai, ran, rap, rat, rax, rea, rei, rep, rex, ria, rie, rin, rio, rip, rit, rix, rna, roe, roi, ron, roo, rot, rox, rpt, rte, rti, tai, tan, tao, tap, tar, tat, tax, tea, ten, ter, tet, tex, tie, tin, tip, tit, tnt, toa, toe, toi, ton, too, top, tor, tot, tox, tpi, tra, tri, trp, trt, txt, xat

Definitions for Exportation

[1] the act of exporting; the sending of commodities out of a country, typically in trade.
[2] something exported.
[3] the act, business, or process of exporting goods or services
[4] mainly US an exported product or service

Words nearby Exportation

exponible, export, export quota, export reject, export-import bank, exportation, exposal, expose, exposed, exposit, exposition

Origin of Exportation

1600–10; < Latin exportātiōn- (stem of exportātiō ), equivalent to exportāt(us ) (past participle of exportāre to export) + -iōn- -ion