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Showing words for EXPOSEDNESS using the English dictionary
11 Letter Words for Exposedness
8 Letter Words for Exposedness
7 Letter Words for Exposedness
6 Letter Words for Exposedness
5 Letter Words for Exposedness
4 Letter Words for Exposedness
3 Letter Words for Exposedness
Definitions for Exposedness
[1] left or being without shelter or protection: The house stood on a windy, exposed cliff.
[2] laid open to view; unconcealed: an exposed king of spades.
[3] susceptible to attack; vulnerable.
[4] to lay open to danger, attack, harm, etc.: to expose soldiers to gunfire; to expose one's character to attack.
[5] to lay open to something specified: to expose oneself to the influence of bad companions.
[6] to uncover or bare to the air, cold, etc.: to expose one's head to the rain.
[7] to present to view; exhibit; display: The storekeeper exposed his wares.
[8] to make known, disclose, or reveal (intentions, secrets, etc.).
[9] to reveal or unmask (a crime, fraud, impostor, etc.): to expose a swindler.
[10] to hold up to public reprehension or ridicule (fault, folly, a foolish act or person, etc.).
[11] to desert in an unsheltered or open place; abandon, as a child.
[12] to subject, as to the action of something: to expose a photographic plate to light.
[13] not concealed; displayed for viewing
[14] without shelter from the elements
[15] susceptible to attack or criticism; vulnerable
[16] mountaineering (of a climb, pitch, or move) performed on a high, sheer, and unsheltered rock face
[17] to display for viewing; exhibit
[18] to bring to public notice; disclose; reveal to expose the facts
[19] to divulge the identity of; unmask
[20] (foll by to) to make subject or susceptible (to attack, criticism, etc)
[21] to abandon (a child, animal, etc) in the open to die
[22] (foll by to) to introduce (to) or acquaint (with) he was exposed to the classics at an early age
[23] photog to subject (a photographic film or plate) to light, X-rays, or some other type of actinic radiation
[24] RC Church to exhibit (the consecrated Eucharistic Host or a relic) for public veneration
[25] expose oneself to display one's sexual organs in public
[26] the act or an instance of bringing a scandal, crime, etc, to public notice
[27] an article, book, or statement that discloses a scandal, crime, etc
Words related to Exposedness
exposeduncovered, discovered, naked, unprotected, bare, resolved, defined, susceptible, threatened, sensitive, vulnerable, prone, shown, open, caught, manifest, stripped, exhibited, clear
Words nearby Exposedness
exposedexport reject, export-import bank, exportation, exposal, expose, exposed, exposit, exposition, expositor, expository, exposome
Origin of Exposedness
1425–75; late Middle English exposen < Old French exposer, equivalent to ex- ex-1 + poser to put (see pose1), rendering Latin expōnere to put out, expose, set forth in words; see expound
Words that may be confused with Exposedness
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, exposeexpose, exposé
Other words from Exposedness
ex·pos·ed·ness [ik-spoh -zid-nis] /ɪkˈspoʊ zɪd nɪs/ , noun
half-ex·posed , adjective
qua·si-ex·posed , adjective
self-ex·posed , adjective
sem·i·ex·posed , adjective
un·ex·posed , adjective
well-ex·posed , adjective
ex·pos·a·ble , adjective
ex·pos·a·bil·i·ty , noun
ex·pos·er , noun
self-ex·pos·ing , adjective
un·ex·pos·a·ble , adjective
Word origin for Exposedness
C15: from Old French exposer, from Latin expōnere to set out; see exponent
Synonyms for Exposedness
danger, exposure, hazard, liability, opportunity, peril, possibility, prospect, uncertainty, accident, contingency, flyer, fortuity, fortune, gamble, header, jeopardy, luck, openness, plunge, speculation, stab, venture, wager, liableness, shot in the dark