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Showing words for EXTENDED using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Extended
7 Letter Words for Extended
6 Letter Words for Extended
5 Letter Words for Extended
4 Letter Words for Extended
3 Letter Words for Extended
Definitions for Extended
[1] stretched out: extended wires.
[2] continued or prolonged: extended efforts.
[3] spread out: extended flags.
[4] widespread or extensive; having extension or spatial magnitude: extended treatment of a subject.
[5] outstretched: extended arms.
[6] Printing . expanded(def 3) .
[7] of or relating to a meaning of a word other than its original or primary meaning: an extended sense.
[8] Manège . (of a moving horse) noting an elongated pose in which the legs reach out from the body, the chin is out from the chest, etc. Compare collected(def 3a) . (of the gait of a horse) characterized by long, low, usually fast strides. Compare collected(def 3b) .
[9] to stretch out; draw out to the full length: He extended the measuring tape as far as it would go.
[10] to stretch, draw, or arrange in a given direction, or so as to reach a particular point, as a cord, wall, or line of troops.
[11] to stretch forth or hold out, as the arm or hand: to extend one's hand in greeting.
[12] to place at full length, especially horizontally, as the body or limbs.
[13] to increase the length or duration of; lengthen; prolong: to extend a visit.
[14] to stretch out in various or all directions; expand; spread out in area: A huge tent was extended over the field.
[15] to enlarge the scope of, or make more comprehensive, as operations, influence, or meaning: The European powers extended their authority in Asia.
[16] to provide as an offer or grant; offer; grant; give: to extend aid to needy scholars.
[17] Finance . to postpone (the payment of a debt) beyond the time originally agreed upon.
[18] to increase the bulk or volume of, especially by adding an inexpensive or plentiful substance.
[19] Bookkeeping . to transfer (figures) from one column to another.
[20] Law . British . to assess or value. to make a seizure or levy upon, as land, by a writ of extent.
[21] Manège . to bring (a horse) into an extended attitude.
[22] to exert (oneself) to an unusual degree.
[23] Archaic . to exaggerate.
[24] Obsolete . to take by seizure.
[25] to be or become extended; stretch out in length, duration, or in various or all directions.
[26] to reach, as to a particular point.
[27] to increase in length, area, scope, etc.
[28] Manège . (of a horse) to come into an extended attitude.
[29] stretched out in time, space, influence, application, etc
[30] (of a horse's pace) free-moving and with long steps an extended trot
[31] printing another word for expanded (def. 1)
[32] to draw out or be drawn out; stretch
[33] to last for a certain time his schooling extended for three years
[34] (intr) to reach a certain point in time or distance the land extends five miles
[35] (intr) to exist or occur the trees extended throughout the area
[36] (tr) to increase (a building, etc) in size or area; add to or enlarge
[37] (tr) to broaden the meaning or scope of the law was extended
[38] (tr) to put forth, present, or offer to extend greetings
[39] to stretch forth (an arm, etc)
[40] (tr) to lay out (a body) at full length
[41] (tr) to strain or exert (a person or animal) to the maximum
[42] (tr) to prolong (the time originally set) for payment of (a debt or loan), completion of (a task), etc
[43] (tr) accounting to carry forward to calculate the amount of (a total, balance, etc)
[44] (tr) law (formerly in England) to value or assess (land)
Words related to Extended
lengthy, protracted, drawn-out, continued, extensive, expanded, prolonged, long, spread, elongate, elongated, unfurled, sweeping, broad, expansive, far-flung, far-reaching, thorough, wide, large-scale
Words nearby Extended
extemporary, extempore, extemporize, extend, extend credit to, extended, extended care, extended complex plane, extended coverage, extended family, extended family therapy
Origin of Extended
1250–1300; Middle English extenden < Latin extendere to stretch out. See ex-1, tend1
Other words from Extended
ex·tend·ed·ly , adverb
ex·tend·ed·ness , noun
non·ex·tend·ed , adjective
un·ex·tend·ed , adjective
un·ex·tend·ed·ly , adverb
ex·tend·i·ble , ex·tend·a·ble , adjective
ex·tend·i·bil·i·ty , ex·tend·a·bil·i·ty , noun
non·ex·tend·i·ble , adjective
non·ex·tend·i·ble·ness , noun
pre·ex·tend , verb
su·per·ex·tend , verb
un·ex·tend·a·ble , adjective
un·ex·tend·i·ble , adjective
Word origin for Extended
C14: from Latin extendere to stretch out, from tendere to stretch
Synonyms for Extended
continued, drawn-out, lengthy, protracted, elongate, elongated, enlarged, long, prolonged, spread, unfolded, unfurled, spread out, stretched out, very long