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Showing words for EXTRACTION using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Extraction


9 Letter Words for Extraction

carnotite, cortinate, excitator, extinctor

8 Letter Words for Extraction

actioner, anerotic, anoretic, anorexic, canotier, ceration, contrate, contrite, cornetti, creation, exaction, excitant, excitron, interact, reaction, retation, taconite, taxicorn, tentoria, tetraxon, tetronic, toxicant, toxicate, traction, xerantic

7 Letter Words for Extraction

acetoin, aconite, anticor, antoeci, atretic, attonce, cantier, carotin, carotte, cattier, centiar, ceratin, cerotin, certain, cetonia, citator, citrate, citrean, cittern, cointer, context, contrat, cornett, cortian, cortina, cortine, cotrine, cottier, cretion, crinate, crottin, enactor, entotic, erotica, exactor, exciton, excitor, exotica, extatic, extinct, extract, extrait, inexact, intrate, iterant, nacrite, nattier, nictate, nitrate, noticer, oncetta, orcanet, otarine, rection, ricotta, tacrine, taction, taintor, tantric, tartine, tectona, tectrix, teratic, tertian, tetanic, tonetic, tranect, triaxon, tritone, xeronic, xerotic

6 Letter Words for Extraction

acerin, acetin, acoine, acrite, actine, action, aeonic, anetic, anoxic, anteri, aortic, areito, aroint, atoner, atonic, atoxic, atroce, attern, attice, attire, attone, attorn, axenic, axonic, canier, canter, cantor, caoine, carien, carnet, carone, carton, cation, catter, cattie, caxton, cearin, centai, centra, centro, cinter, citron, coater, coatie, coaxer, coiner, conite, conter, contex, contra, corita, corixa, cornea, cornet, cornix, cortex, cortin, cottar, cotter, coxier, coxite, cranet, craton, creant, cretan, cretin, criant, crinet, cronet, cronie, crotin, earcon, enatic, entria, erotic, exonic, exotic, extant, extort, intact, intext, intort, ionate, natrix, natter, nectar, nerita, nitter, noetic, norate, norice, norite, notate, notice, nritta, octane, octant, octine, orante, orcein, orcine, oretic, orexin, orient, ornate, otiant, oxanic, oxcart, oxtant, racine, racion, rancio, ratine, ration, ratite, ratten, ratton, recant, recoat, recoin, retain, retina, retint, roncet, rotate, rottan, rotten, tactor, tainte, tanier, tanrec, tantie, tarten, taxine, taxite, tentor, tercia, tercio, tertia, tertio, terton, tetrao, tetric, texaco, tienta, tiento, tietac, tinter, titano, tonier, tonite, torten, tortie, toxine, trance, triace, triact, tricae, tricon, tricot, triton

5 Letter Words for Extraction

acier, acoin, acone, acorn, acron, actin, acton, actor, aeric, aeron, ancor, ancre, antic, antre, arent, arett, ariot, arite, artic, atone, atren, atter, attic, axine, axion, axite, axone, cairn, cairo, caner, canoe, canto, caret, carex, carne, carot, carte, cater, caxon, ceint, centi, cento, cerat, ceria, cerin, cetin, citer, coart, coate, coati, coner, conia, conta, conte, contr, coran, coria, corni, corta, cotan, cotta, cotte, coxae, craie, crain, crane, crate, crena, creta, crine, croat, crone, ecart, enact, encia, eniac, entia, erato, erica, ettin, exact, exion, extra, inact, incor, incra, inert, inter, intra, intro, iortn, irate, irena, irone, ixora, nacre, narco, naric, necia, necro, nicer, niota, niter, nitro, nitta, nixer, noire, noria, norie, norit, noter, oaric, oaten, oater, ocean, ocrea, octan, octet, oncer, oncet, oncia, ontic, orant, orate, orcin, ortet, otate, ottar, otter, oxane, oxter, racon, raine, rance, ratio, ratti, react, recit, recon, recti, recto, reina, retan, retax, retia, retin, riant, roate, rocta, ronte, rotan, rotta, rotte, tacet, tacit, taino, taint, tairn, tanti, tanto, tarie, tarin, taroc, tarot, tarte, tater, tatie, tatin, taxer, taxin, taxir, taxon, taxor, teart, tecon, tecta, tenai, tenia, tenio, tenor, terai, terna, tetra, tetri, texan, ticer, tinca, tinct, tinea, tinta, titan, titar, titer, toner, tonic, toran, toret, toric, torta, torte, toter, toxic, toxin, trace, tract, train, trait, trant, treat, triac, trica, trice, trina, trine, trite, troat, troca, troic, trona, tronc, trone, xenia, xenic, xeric

4 Letter Words for Extraction

acer, acne, acor, acre, aero, aine, aint, aion, aire, airn, airt, ance, anet, anre, ante, anti, arco, aren, aret, arni, arno, arte, atoc, atte, attn, axer, axin, axon, cain, cair, cane, cant, caon, care, carn, cart, cate, cent, cera, cern, cero, cert, ceti, ciao, cine, cion, cira, cire, cite, cito, coat, coax, coin, coir, coit, cone, coni, cont, cora, core, corn, cort, cote, cott, coxa, cran, crax, crex, crin, crit, earn, econ, ecto, eira, ento, entr, eoan, erat, eria, eric, erin, etat, etic, etna, eton, exit, exon, exor, exta, iare, icao, icer, icon, inca, incr, inro, inta, into, intr, iota, iran, iron, iter, nace, naio, naoi, narc, nare, nato, natr, near, neat, neti, next, nice, nito, nixe, noex, noir, noix, nore, nori, nota, note, nott, noxa, octa, oeci, oint, onca, once, oner, orae, oran, orca, orna, otic, otxi, oxan, oxea, oxen, oxer, race, rain, rait, rane, rant, rate, rato, rean, rect, rein, reit, reno, rent, rice, rine, riot, rita, rite, ritt, roan, roin, roit, rone, ront, rota, rotc, rote, roti, tace, taco, tact, taen, tain, tait, tane, tare, tari, tarn, taro, tart, tate, taxi, tean, tear, teat, teca, tent, tera, tern, text, tiao, tiar, tice, tien, tier, tinc, tine, tint, tire, tite, toat, toea, toit, tone, torc, tore, tori, torn, tort, tote, toxa, trac, trat, tret, trie, trin, trio, trit, trna, tron, trot, xian, xint

3 Letter Words for Extraction

ace, act, aer, ain, air, ait, aix, anc, ane, ant, aor, arc, are, arn, art, arx, ate, att, cai, can, car, cat, cen, ceo, cer, cia, cie, cir, cit, con, cor, cot, cox, cro, crt, cte, ctn, cto, ctr, ean, ear, eat, eco, ect, eir, enc, eon, era, ern, ert, eta, etc, exc, exr, ext, iao, ice, inc, int, ion, ira, ire, ita, nae, nar, nat, nco, nea, nei, neo, net, nie, nit, nix, noa, nor, not, nox, oar, oat, oca, oct, oer, oie, ona, one, oni, ont, ora, orc, ore, ort, otc, rai, ran, rat, rax, rct, rea, rec, rei, rex, ria, rie, rin, rio, rit, rix, rna, roc, roe, roi, ron, rot, rox, rte, rti, tai, tan, tao, tar, tat, tax, tea, tec, ten, ter, tet, tex, tic, tie, tin, tit, tnt, toa, toc, toe, toi, ton, tor, tot, tox, tra, tri, trt, txt, xat

Definitions for Extraction

[1] an act or instance of extracting: the extraction of a molar.
[2] the state or fact of being extracted.
[3] descent or lineage: to be of foreign extraction.
[4] something extracted; extract.
[5] the act of extracting or the condition of being extracted
[6] something extracted; an extract
[7] the act or an instance of extracting a tooth or teeth a tooth or teeth extracted
[8] origin, descent, lineage, or ancestry of German extraction

Words related to Extraction

eradication, descent, abstraction, derivation, evocation, separation, withdrawal, extirpation, expression, drawing, elicitation, extrication, lineage, parentage, family, race, blood, birth, stock, pedigree

Words nearby Extraction

extracorporeal, extracorporeal circulation, extract, extractant, extracting forceps, extraction, extraction coefficient, extraction ratio, extractions, extractive, extractive metallurgy

Origin of Extraction

1375–1425; late Middle English extraccioun < Late Latin extractiōn- (stem of extractiō ). See extract, -ion

Other words from Extraction

non·ex·trac·tion , noun
o·ver·ex·trac·tion , noun
pre·ex·trac·tion , noun

Synonyms for Extraction

eradication, abstraction, derivation, drawing, elicitation, evocation, expression, extirpation, extrication, pulling, separation, withdrawal, evulsion, taking out, uprooting, wrenching, wresting