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Showing words for EXTRAPOLATE using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Extrapolate


9 Letter Words for Extrapolate


8 Letter Words for Extrapolate

alterate, areolate, axopetal, exaltate, laportea, letorate, operetta, poleaxer, pretexta, repeatal, taxeater, teleport, tetrapla, toeplate, tolerate

7 Letter Words for Extrapolate

apteral, areolet, atropal, exalate, exalter, exarate, exorate, explore, extreat, laetare, latrate, laxator, leptera, lorette, operate, oxalate, paleate, paletot, palette, paretta, parolee, partlet, paterae, patrole, pearlet, peltate, petrale, platter, pleater, plotter, poleaxe, portate, portlet, prattle, prelate, pretext, proette, prolate, protext, ptereal, replate, repleat, retotal, tapetal, taxator, tearlet, telopea, tetrole, totaler, treetop, tropate

6 Letter Words for Extrapolate

aerate, aertex, alepot, alerta, aletap, alette, alopex, aortal, apelet, aperea, apolar, aptate, aptote, areola, areole, arette, artlet, atropa, atteal, attrap, axtree, earlap, earlet, eelpot, elater, elator, eloper, eltrot, exalte, expert, explat, export, extort, latera, latter, laxate, leaper, lepero, letter, lettre, lorate, lotter, oatear, oleate, opelet, operae, operla, optate, oxeate, palate, paleae, palter, parale, parate, parole, patart, patera, patola, patrol, pattee, patter, pattle, pealer, pelota, peltae, pelter, petara, petate, petrel, petrol, petter, pettle, platea, plater, platte, plexor, poleax, porett, portal, potate, potter, pottle, pratal, pretax, prlate, protax, protea, rattel, rattle, relata, relate, releap, repale, repeal, repeat, replot, retape, rotate, rottle, taleae, talpae, talter, tapalo, tapeta, tapete, taplet, tarpot, tartle, tatler, teapot, terata, tetrao, tetrol, tolter, torpex, totara, tropal

5 Letter Words for Extrapolate

aetat, alate, alert, alpax, altar, alter, aorta, apart, apert, aport, apter, areae, areal, areel, arepa, arete, arett, artal, artel, atelo, atlee, atole, attal, attap, attar, atter, attle, eater, elate, elope, eplot, erato, erept, etape, ettle, exalt, exeat, exert, exopt, expat, expel, exptl, exter, extol, extra, laree, later, latex, latro, latte, laxer, leapt, leare, leear, leper, lepra, lepre, lepta, lerot, loper, lotte, oater, oelet, opera, opter, orale, orate, orlet, ortet, otate, ottar, otter, oxter, palar, palea, paleo, paler, palet, palta, parae, parao, parel, pareo, parle, parol, parte, parto, patao, patee, patel, patta, patte, paxto, peare, pearl, peart, peert, pelta, perea, perle, petal, petar, peter, petre, petro, petto, plate, plato, pleat, ploat, plote, plott, plotx, polar, poler, poral, poret, porta, porte, poter, prate, pratt, prela, preta, proal, prole, prote, ratal, ratel, reaal, realo, reata, reate, relap, relax, relet, relot, repel, repla, repot, retal, retax, roate, rotal, rotta, rotte, talao, talar, talea, taler, talpa, taper, tapet, tapoa, tarea, tarot, tarte, tatar, tater, taxer, taxol, taxor, teart, telar, telex, tepal, tepor, terap, tetel, tetra, tolar, topee, toper, toral, toret, torta, torte, total, toter, trapa, trape, trapt, treat, troat, trope

4 Letter Words for Extrapolate

aarp, aero, alae, alap, alar, alee, alep, aloe, alop, alto, apar, aper, apex, area, aret, arle, arte, atap, atar, atle, atop, atta, atte, axal, axel, axer, axle, eale, earl, eole, eorl, eral, erat, etat, exla, exor, expo, expt, exta, laer, laet, lare, lata, late, leap, lear, leat, leep, leer, leet, lepa, lere, lerp, lete, leto, lett, lope, lora, lore, lota, lote, olea, olpe, opal, orae, oral, orle, oxea, oxer, paal, paar, pala, pale, palt, para, pare, parl, part, pata, pate, pato, patt, peal, pear, peat, peel, peer, pela, pele, pelt, pere, pert, peta, pete, peto, plat, plea, plex, plot, poet, pole, polt, pore, port, pote, pott, prao, prat, pree, pret, prex, proa, prox, rale, rape, rapt, rata, rate, rato, real, reap, reel, reet, repl, repo, rept, rete, role, rope, rota, rote, rotl, rtlt, taal, taar, tael, tala, tale, tapa, tape, tara, tare, taro, tarp, tart, tate, taxa, teal, teap, tear, teat, teel, teer, teet, tela, tele, telt, tepa, tepe, tera, terp, tete, text, toat, toea, tola, tole, tolt, tope, tore, tort, tote, toxa, trap, trat, tree, tret, trop, trot

3 Letter Words for Extrapolate

aal, aer, ala, ale, alo, alp, alt, aor, apa, ape, apl, apr, apt, apx, ara, are, art, arx, ate, atp, att, ear, eat, eel, eer, ela, elt, epa, era, ere, ert, eta, exp, exr, ext, laa, lao, lap, lar, lat, lax, lea, lee, leo, lep, ler, let, lex, loa, loe, lop, lor, lot, lox, ltr, oar, oat, oer, ola, ole, olp, opa, ope, opt, ora, ore, orl, ort, pal, par, pat, pax, pea, pee, pel, per, pet, poa, pol, por, pot, pox, pre, pro, pta, pte, ptt, rap, rat, rax, rea, ree, rel, rep, rex, rle, roe, rot, rox, rpt, rte, taa, tal, tao, tap, tar, tat, tax, tea, tee, tel, ter, tet, tex, tlo, tlr, toa, toe, tol, top, tor, tot, tox, tra, trp, trt, txt, xat

Definitions for Extrapolate

[1] to infer (an unknown) from something that is known; conjecture.
[2] Statistics . to estimate (the value of a variable) outside the tabulated or observed range.
[3] Mathematics . to estimate (a function that is known over a range of values of its independent variable) to values outside the known range.
[4] to perform extrapolation.
[5] maths to estimate (a value of a function or measurement) beyond the values already known, by the extension of a curve Compare interpolate (def. 4)
[6] to infer (something not known) by using but not strictly deducing from the known facts

Words related to Extrapolate

deduce, hypothesize, guess, theorize, envision, figure, conclude, predict, anticipate, project, assume, foretell, foresee

Words nearby Extrapolate

extraordinary wave, extraperitoneal fascia, extraphysical, extraphysiologic, extraplanetary, extrapolate, extrapolation, extrapose, extraposition, extraprofessional, extrapyramidal

Origin of Extrapolate

First recorded in 1825–35; extra- + (inter)polate

Words that may be confused with Extrapolate

deduction, extrapolation, induction, generalization, hypothesis

Other words from Extrapolate

ex·trap·o·la·tion , noun
ex·trap·o·la·tive , ex·trap·o·la·to·ry [ik-strap -uh -luh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /ɪkˈstræp ə ləˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/ , adjective
ex·trap·o·la·tor , noun
o·ver·ex·trap·o·la·tion , noun

Word origin for Extrapolate

C19: extra- + -polate, as in interpolate

Synonyms for Extrapolate

deduce, hypothesize, anticipate, assume, conclude, envision, figure, foresee, foretell, guess, predict, project, theorize, make an educated guess, see ahead