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Showing words for FABULOUS using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Fabulous
6 Letter Words for Fabulous
5 Letter Words for Fabulous
4 Letter Words for Fabulous
3 Letter Words for Fabulous
Definitions for Fabulous
[1] almost impossible to believe; incredible.
[2] Informal . exceptionally good or unusual; marvelous; superb: a fabulous bargain; a fabulous new house.
[3] told about in fables; purely imaginary: the fabulous exploits of Hercules.
[4] known about only through myths or legends.
[5] almost unbelievable; astounding; legendary fabulous wealth
[6] informal extremely good a fabulous time at the party
[7] of, relating to, or based upon fable a fabulous beast
Words related to Fabulous
astonishing, fantastic, outrageous, spectacular, incredible, phenomenal, awesome, astounding, unbelievable, superb, terrific, marvelous, breathtaking, remarkable, aces, best, cool, extravagant, fictitious, first-class
Words nearby Fabulous
fabry, fabry's disease, fabular, fabulate, fabulist, fabulous, fac., facade, facadism, faccp, facd
Origin of Fabulous
1540–50; < Latin fābulōsus, equivalent to fābul(a ) fable + -ōsus -ous
Other words from Fabulous
fab·u·lous·ly , adverb
fab·u·lous·ness , noun
un·fab·u·lous , adjective
un·fab·u·lous·ly , adverb
Word origin for Fabulous
C15: from Latin fābulōsus celebrated in fable, from fābula fable
Synonyms for Fabulous
astonishing, astounding, awesome, breathtaking, fantastic, incredible, marvelous, outrageous, phenomenal, remarkable, spectacular, superb, terrific, unbelievable, 10, A-1, A-OK, aces, best, cool, doozie, extravagant, fab, fictitious, first-class, greatest, groovy, immense, inconceivable, legendary, mind-blowing, out-of-sight, out-of-this-world, peachy, primo, prodigious, rad, striking, stupendous, super, top drawer, tops, turn-on, unreal, wicked