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Showing words for FACILELY using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Facilely


7 Letter Words for Facilely


6 Letter Words for Facilely

allice, allyic, caille, calefy, facile, facily, faille, fecial, fellic, filace, lacily, liefly, lyceal

5 Letter Words for Facilely

afley, alice, alife, alley, calef, calli, cella, claye, elaic, elayl, elfic, facie, fally, fecal, fella, felly, filea, filla, fille, filly, flail, fleay, ileac, ileal, lacey, leafy, lifey, lilac, lycae, lycea

4 Letter Words for Facilely

acle, acyl, aiel, aile, alce, alec, alef, alif, ally, cafe, calf, call, ceil, cell, ciel, cill, clay, clef, eila, elli, face, facy, fail, fall, feal, feil, fell, fica, fice, fiel, fila, file, fill, flay, flea, fley, flic, fyce, fyle, ilea, illy, lace, lacy, laic, leaf, leal, lice, lief, life, lila, lile, lily, yale, yali, ycie, yell, yill

3 Letter Words for Facilely

ace, acy, ail, alc, ale, alf, all, aly, aye, caf, cai, cal, cay, cel, cfi, cia, cie, cif, cli, cly, cyl, efl, ela, elf, eli, ell, eyl, fac, fay, fcy, fec, fei, fey, fie, fil, fll, fly, ice, icy, ifc, ife, ile, ill, lac, lai, lay, lca, lea, lei, ley, lie, lif, lyc, lye, yea

Definitions for Facilely

[1] moving, acting, working, proceeding, etc., with ease, sometimes with superficiality: facile fingers; a facile mind.
[2] easily done, performed, used, etc.: a facile victory; a facile method.
[3] easy or unconstrained, as manners or persons.
[4] affable, agreeable, or complaisant; easily influenced: a facile temperament; facile people.
[5] easy to perform or achieve
[6] working or moving easily or smoothly
[7] without depth; superficial a facile solution
[8] archaic relaxed in manner; easygoing

Words related to Facilely

facilewillingly, easily, freely, eagerly, promptly, gladly, immediately, cheerfully, ably, handily, neatly, smoothly, nimbly, skillfully, deftly, expertly, ingeniously, adroitly, aptly, knowingly

Words nearby Facilely

facilefacial tic, facial tissue, facial vein, facialist, facies, facile, facile princeps, facilis descensus averno, facilitate, facilitation, facilitator

Origin of Facilely

1475–85; < Latin facilis that can be done, easy, equivalent to fac(ere ) to do, make + -ilis -ile

Words that may be confused with Facilely

WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, facilefacile, facilitate, facility, felicitate

Other words from Facilely

fac·ile·ly , adverb
fac·ile·ness , noun
o·ver·fac·ile , adjective
o·ver·fac·ile·ly , adverb
un·fac·ile , adjective
un·fac·ile·ly , adverb

Word origin for Facilely

C15: from Latin facilis easy, from facere to do

Synonyms for Facilely

cheerfully, eagerly, easily, freely, gladly, immediately, promptly, willingly, at once, at the drop of a hat, hands down, in a jiffy, in no time, lightly, no sweat, nothing to it, piece of cake, quick as a wink, right away, slick as whistle, smoothly, speedily, straight away, swimmingly, unhesitatingly, well, without delay, without demur, without difficulty, without hesitation