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Showing words for FAHRENHEIT using the English dictionary

10 Letter Words for Fahrenheit


9 Letter Words for Fahrenheit


8 Letter Words for Fahrenheit

atherine, fanterie, heathier, herniate

7 Letter Words for Fahrenheit

anither, arenite, earthen, enheart, enherit, enteria, etherin, ethrane, fainter, feather, feinter, fenitar, frenate, hairnet, hearten, heathen, heather, heftier, inearth, naether, naither, neither, teheran, terefah, therein, therian, traheen, trainee

6 Letter Words for Fahrenheit

aether, afreet, afrete, afrite, anteri, anther, athene, either, enfire, enfrai, entera, entier, entire, entria, erthen, ethane, ethine, faerie, fainer, fantee, farine, father, fearie, feater, feerin, fenite, fenter, ferine, fierte, fineer, freath, freith, hafter, hairen, harten, hartin, hearie, hearth, heaten, heater, hefter, heifer, henter, hereat, herein, hernia, hertha, hethen, hether, hinter, hither, infare, infere, inhere, naifer, nather, neater, nerita, nerite, nether, nither, rateen, ratine, refait, refine, reheat, renate, retain, retina, retine, rhenea, taheen, tanier, teniae, terefa, theine, theirn, thenar, thrain, threne, trefah, triene

5 Letter Words for Fahrenheit

aerie, afire, afret, afrit, after, ahent, ahint, ainee, airth, antre, arent, arete, arite, arith, arnee, atren, earth, eaten, eater, eathe, enate, enhat, entea, enter, entia, entre, ether, faine, faint, faire, faith, fanit, farth, feare, feint, feria, ferie, ferth, fiant, fient, fiere, finer, firth, frate, frati, freen, freet, freit, frena, frith, haine, haint, haire, haith, hanif, hater, hathi, heare, heart, heath, hefte, herne, hiant, hiate, hiera, hiree, hiren, hithe, ifree, inert, infer, infra, inter, intra, irate, irena, irene, ither, nathe, neafe, neath, neter, niter, raine, ranee, rathe, reate, refan, refit, reina, renet, rente, retan, rethe, retia, retie, retin, rheen, rhein, rhine, riant, rifte, rithe, tahin, tairn, tarie, tarin, tenai, tenia, terai, terfe, terna, terne, thane, tharf, theah, theer, theia, thein, their, there, thief, thine, thrae, three, tinea, train, treen, trefa, treif, trifa, trina, trine

4 Letter Words for Fahrenheit

afer, aine, aint, aire, airn, airt, aith, anet, anre, ante, anti, aren, aret, arni, arte, atef, earn, eath, eine, eira, eire, entr, erat, eria, erie, erin, erne, erth, eten, ethe, etna, fahr, fain, fair, fait, fane, fant, fare, fart, fate, fath, fear, feat, feer, feet, feni, fent, fern, feta, fete, fiar, fiat, fier, fine, fire, firn, frae, frat, free, fren, fret, frit, haen, haft, hain, hair, hait, hani, hant, hare, harn, hart, hate, hath, heaf, hear, heat, heer, heft, heir, hent, hera, here, hern, hert, hete, heth, hine, hint, hire, iare, inta, intr, iran, iter, naif, nare, natr, neaf, near, neat, neer, neet, neif, nete, neth, neti, nief, nife, raft, rain, rait, rane, rant, rate, rath, rean, reef, reen, reet, reft, reif, rein, reit, rent, rete, rhea, rhet, rife, rift, rine, rita, rite, taen, tahr, tain, tane, tanh, tare, tari, tarn, tean, tear, teen, teer, tehr, tene, tera, terf, tern, thae, thai, than, thar, thea, thee, then, thin, thir, tiar, tien, tier, tine, tire, trah, tree, trie, trin, trna

3 Letter Words for Fahrenheit

aer, aft, ahh, ahi, ain, air, ait, ane, ant, are, arf, arn, art, ate, ean, ear, eat, een, eer, eft, ehf, eir, ene, era, ere, erf, ern, ert, eta, eth, fah, fan, far, fat, fee, feh, fei, fen, fer, fet, fha, fie, fin, fir, fit, fra, fri, frt, fth, hae, haf, han, hat, hee, heh, hei, hen, her, het, hia, hie, hin, hir, hit, ife, inf, int, ira, ire, ita, nae, naf, nah, nar, nat, nea, nee, nef, nei, net, nie, nit, nth, raf, rah, rai, ran, rat, rea, ree, ref, reh, rei, rha, rhe, ria, rie, rif, rin, rit, rna, rte, rti, tai, tan, tar, tea, tee, tef, ten, ter, tfr, tha, the, tie, tin, tra, trf, tri

Definitions for Fahrenheit

[1] Ga·bri·el Da·ni·el [German gah -br ee-el dah -nee-el] /German ˈgɑ briˌɛl ˈdɑ niˌɛl/ , 1686–1736, German physicist: devised a temperature scale and introduced the use of mercury in thermometers.
[2] noting, pertaining to, or measured according to a temperature scale (Fahrenheit scale) in which 32° represents the ice point and 212° the steam point. Symbol : F
[3] of or measured according to the Fahrenheit scale of temperature Symbol: F
[4] Gabriel Daniel (ˈɡaːbrieːl ˈdaːnieːl). 1686–1736, German physicist, who invented the mercury thermometer and devised the temperature scale that bears his name