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Showing words for FANTASTIC using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Fantastic
8 Letter Words for Fantastic
7 Letter Words for Fantastic
6 Letter Words for Fantastic
5 Letter Words for Fantastic
4 Letter Words for Fantastic
3 Letter Words for Fantastic
Definitions for Fantastic
[1] conceived or appearing as if conceived by an unrestrained imagination; odd and remarkable; bizarre; grotesque: fantastic rock formations; fantastic designs.
[2] fanciful or capricious, as persons or their ideas or actions: We never know what that fantastic creature will say next.
[3] imaginary or groundless in not being based on reality; foolish or irrational: fantastic fears.
[4] extravagantly fanciful; marvelous.
[5] incredibly great or extreme; exorbitant: to spend fantastic sums of money.
[6] highly unrealistic or impractical; outlandish: a fantastic scheme to make a million dollars betting on horse races.
[7] Informal . extraordinarily good: a fantastic musical.
[8] strange, weird, or fanciful in appearance, conception, etc
[9] created in the mind; illusory
[10] extravagantly fanciful; unrealistic fantastic plans
[11] incredible or preposterous; absurd a fantastic verdict
[12] informal very large or extreme; great a fantastic fortune ; he suffered fantastic pain
[13] informal very good; excellent
[14] of, given to, or characterized by fantasy
[15] not constant; capricious; fitful given to fantastic moods
[16] archaic a person who dresses or behaves eccentrically
Words related to Fantastic
insane, imaginative, unbelievable, singular, incredible, ludicrous, grotesque, crazy, unreal, preposterous, outlandish, ridiculous, fanciful, absurd, implausible, weird, odd, exotic, tremendous, huge
Words nearby Fantastic
fantasist, fantasize, fantasm, fantasmagoria, fantast, fantastic, fantastically, fantasticate, fantastico, fantasy, fantasyland
Origin of Fantastic
1350–1400; Middle English fantastik pertaining to the imaginative faculty < Medieval Latin fantasticus, variant of Late Latin phantasticus < Greek phantastikós able to present or show (to the mind), equivalent to *phantad-, base of phantázein to make visible (akin to phānós light, bright, phaínein to make appear) + -tikos -tic
Other words from Fantastic
fan·tas·ti·cal·ly , adverb
fan·tas·ti·cal·ness , fan·tas·ti·cal·i·ty , noun
su·per·fan·tas·tic , adjective
su·per·fan·tas·ti·cal·ly , adverb
un·fan·tas·tic , adjective
un·fan·tas·ti·cal·ly , adverb
Word origin for Fantastic
C14 fantastik imaginary, via Late Latin from Greek phantastikos capable of imagining, from phantazein to make visible
Synonyms for Fantastic
absurd, crazy, exotic, fanciful, grotesque, imaginative, implausible, incredible, insane, ludicrous, odd, outlandish, preposterous, ridiculous, singular, unbelievable, unreal, weird, artificial, capricious, chimerical, comical, eccentric, erratic, extravagant, extreme, far-fetched, fictional, foolish, foreign, freakish, hallucinatory, illusive, irrational, mad, misleading, nonsensical, out of sight, peculiar, phantasmagorical, quaint, queer, suppositious, unlikely, wacky, whimsical