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Showing words for FASHIONABLE using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Fashionable


9 Letter Words for Fashionable


8 Letter Words for Fashionable

abalones, asbolane, asboline, bonefish, fishable, fishbone, hobnails, lobefins, shinleaf

7 Letter Words for Fashionable

abalone, abelian, abelias, abolish, aeolian, aeolina, aeonial, ainaleh, albines, albinos, alfiona, alfione, alsobia, anisole, anoesia, asbolan, asbolin, balonea, bansela, basinal, befanas, bensail, bolshie, bonsela, enhalos, eslabon, faibles, fashion, felahin, finable, finales, foibles, habenal, halenia, halesia, hebonas, hobnail, inflesh, inhales, labiose, leanish, lesbian, lobefin, obelias, olefins, sabinea, sanable, sinhala, sloanea, solania, sonable

6 Letter Words for Fashionable

abasio, abelia, abilao, ablins, abseil, absoil, aeolia, aeolis, albino, albion, alesan, aliens, alison, alohas, aloins, anilao, anisal, anisol, anoles, anolis, ashbin, ashine, asonia, balafo, balaos, balian, baline, balnea, banias, banish, basale, basial, basion, beanos, befana, behalf, belahs, belash, belion, benshi, bensil, besoil, besoin, blains, blason, boheas, bonasa, bonsai, bosnia, elains, elfins, elfish, elisha, eloins, elshin, enfoil, enhalo, eolian, esloin, fabian, fables, faenas, faible, faines, faisan, falsen, falsie, fanals, fasola, felons, filose, finale, finals, flanes, foehns, foeish, foible, folies, habeas, habena, habile, haflin, hafnia, hailes, hailse, halebi, halfas, halfen, halons, halsen, haoles, hebona, helios, holies, inable, inhale, inshoe, insole, isabel, isohel, laiose, lanais, lanose, lanseh, lesion, lianas, lianes, liason, lineas, lisboa, lisbon, nablas, nahals, nasale, nasial, nebish, neilah, neslia, nobles, nofile, oafish, oasean, obeahs, obeish, obelia, oleana, olefin, oleins, oliban, sabalo, sabian, sabina, sabine, sabino, sahiba, salian, salina, saline, selion, sheila, shilfa, siabon, sialon, silane, snibel, sofane, solein

5 Letter Words for Fashionable

abase, abash, abies, abilo, ables, aboil, ahsan, ainas, aisle, alane, alani, alans, alban, albas, albin, alefs, alfas, alfin, alias, alien, alife, alifs, alish, aliso, aloes, aloha, aloin, alone, alosa, alose, anabo, anile, anils, anise, anlas, anlia, anoas, anoia, anoil, anole, anoli, ansae, asale, ashen, asian, baals, bahai, bahan, bahoe, baile, bailo, bails, balai, balao, balas, balei, bales, balon, balsa, banal, banes, bania, basal, basan, basel, basho, basil, basin, basle, bason, beala, beano, beans, befan, beisa, belah, benis, bensh, besan, besin, bhels, biens, biles, bilos, bilsh, binal, bines, biose, bison, blaes, blahs, blain, blasa, blase, blash, blens, blins, bohea, boils, boise, bolas, boles, bolis, bones, bonie, bosie, eblis, ebons, elain, elans, elfin, eloin, elsin, enoil, enols, eosin, eshin, fabes, fable, faena, fails, faine, fains, false, fanal, fanes, fanos, feals, felis, felon, fenis, filao, filea, files, filos, final, fines, finos, flabs, flain, flane, flans, flash, fleas, flesh, flies, floes, flosh, foals, foehn, foils, foins, folia, folie, fosie, haafs, hable, hafis, haifa, hails, haine, hains, halas, hales, halfa, halfs, halon, halos, halse, hanif, hanoi, hansa, hanse, haole, hasan, heals, heils, helas, helio, helis, helos, hibla, hilsa, hoise, holes, holia, hones, hosea, hosel, hosen, hsian, hsien, ibsen, ileon, infos, insea, insol, isoln, labia, labis, laine, lanai, lanas, lanes, lansa, leafs, leans, leash, leban, leish, lenis, lenos, lesbo, lhasa, liana, liane, liefs, liens, liesh, lifen, linea, lines, linha, linos, lions, loafs, loans, loasa, lobes, lohan, loins, lonas, losen, nabal, nabes, nabis, nabla, nable, nahal, naias, naifs, nails, naish, nalas, nasab, nasal, neals, nefas, neifs, nelis, niefs, nifes, nifle, niobe, nobel, nobis, noble, noels, nohes, noils, noise, noles, oasal, obeah, obeli, obias, ohias, olein, olena, osela, oshea, sabah, sabal, sabin, sable, safen, sahib, saine, salai, salon, sanai, saone, selah, senal, shale, sheaf, sheal, shela, shelf, sheol, shiel, shilf, shina, shine, shoal, shola, shole, shone, siena, silen, sinal, slain, slane, sline, sloan, slone, snail, sofia, solah, solan, solea, solei, solen, solfa

4 Letter Words for Fashionable

aahs, aals, abas, abel, able, abls, abos, ahab, ahas, aias, aiel, aile, ails, aina, aine, ains, aion, alae, alai, alan, alas, alba, albe, albs, alef, alen, ales, alfa, alia, alif, alin, aloe, also, anal, anas, anba, anes, anil, anis, anoa, ansa, ansi, aoli, aona, asea, asia, asin, asio, baal, baas, baho, bahs, bail, bain, bale, bali, bals, bane, bani, bans, base, bash, beal, bean, behn, bein, bela, bels, bena, beni, beno, bens, besa, bhel, bias, bien, bile, bilo, bine, binh, bino, bins, biol, bion, bios, bish, blae, blah, blan, blas, blea, bleo, blin, boas, bohs, boil, bola, bole, bona, bone, bons, bose, bosh, bosn, eans, ebon, eila, elan, elfs, elhi, enol, eoan, eons, fabs, fahs, fail, fain, fala, fana, fane, fano, fans, faon, fash, feal, fehs, feil, feis, fels, feni, fens, fibs, fiel, fies, fila, file, filo, fils, fine, fino, fins, fise, fish, flab, flan, flea, flob, floe, flon, foal, fobs, foen, foes, fohs, foil, foin, fole, fone, fons, fosh, haab, haaf, haen, haes, hail, hain, hala, hale, half, halo, hals, hani, hans, hasn, heaf, heal, heil, hela, heli, helo, hens, hies, hila, hile, hine, hins, hisn, hoas, hobs, hoes, hoin, hola, hole, holi, hols, hone, hons, hose, iaea, ilea, inbe, infl, info, ions, isba, isle, laas, labs, laen, lahs, lain, lana, lane, laos, lasa, lase, lash, leaf, lean, leas, leis, lena, leno, lens, leon, leos, lias, libs, lief, lien, lies, life, lifo, lina, line, lino, lins, lion, lish, loaf, loan, lobe, lobi, lobs, loin, lone, lose, losh, nabe, nabs, nael, naib, naif, nail, naio, nais, nala, nale, naoi, naos, nasa, nash, nasi, naso, neaf, neal, nebo, nebs, nefs, neif, nesh, nibs, nief, nies, nife, nile, nils, noah, nobs, noel, noes, noil, nole, nose, nosh, oafs, oban, obas, obes, obia, obis, obli, ohia, oils, olea, oles, ones, osha, saba, sabe, safe, sail, sain, sala, sale, sana, sane, seah, seal, sean, seif, seil, self, sena, shab, shan, shea, shia, shin, shoe, sial, sian, sien, sife, sila, sile, silo, sina, sine, sinh, siol, sion, slab, slob, sloe, slon, snab, sneb, snib, snob, soba, sofa, soil, sola, sole, soln, sone

3 Letter Words for Fashionable

aah, aal, aas, aba, abl, abn, abo, abs, aes, afb, aha, ahi, aho, ahs, aia, ail, ain, ais, ala, alb, ale, alf, aln, alo, als, ana, ane, ans, aob, asb, ase, ash, asl, baa, bae, bah, bai, bal, ban, bas, bef, bel, ben, bes, bin, bio, bis, blo, bls, bnf, bns, boa, boe, boh, bol, bon, bos, bsf, bsh, ean, eas, ebn, ebs, efl, efs, ehf, ehs, ela, elb, elf, eli, els, enl, ens, eof, eon, eos, fab, fah, fan, fao, fas, fbi, feb, feh, fei, fen, fes, fha, fib, fie, fil, fin, flb, flo, fob, foe, foh, fol, fon, fsb, fsh, hab, hae, haf, han, hao, has, hei, hel, hen, heo, hes, hia, hie, hin, his, hoa, hob, hoe, hoi, hol, hon, hos, iaa, iao, iba, ife, ifs, ihs, ile, ilo, inf, ins, iof, ion, ios, ise, ish, isl, isn, iso, laa, lab, lah, lai, lan, lao, las, lbf, lbs, lea, lei, leo, les, lhb, lib, lie, lif, lin, lis, loa, lob, loe, lof, los, naa, nab, nae, naf, nah, nas, nbe, nea, neb, nef, nei, neo, nib, nie, nil, nis, noa, nob, noh, nol, nos, oaf, oas, oba, obe, obi, obl, obs, oes, ohs, oie, oil, ois, ola, ole, ona, one, oni, ons, ose, osi, saa, sab, sah, sai, sal, san, sao, sbe, sea, sei, sel, sen, sha, she, shf, shi, sho, sib, sie, sif, sil, sin, sla, sle, sob, sol, son

Definitions for Fashionable

[1] observant of or conforming to the fashion; stylish: a fashionable young woman.
[2] of, characteristic of, used, or patronized by the world of fashion: a fashionable shop.
[3] current; popular: a fashionable topic of conversation.
[4] a fashionable person.
[5] conforming to fashion; in vogue
[6] of, characteristic of, or patronized by people of fashion a fashionable café
[7] (usually foll by with) patronized (by); popular (with)

Words related to Fashionable

swank, modern, contemporary, popular, hot, new, trendy, chic, smart, mod, upscale, chichi, current, customary, dashing, favored, fly, genteel, latest, modish

Words nearby Fashionable

fashion house, fashion icon, fashion plate, fashion victim, fashion-forward, fashionable, fashioner, fashionista, fashiony, fashoda, fasnacht

Origin of Fashionable

First recorded in 1600–10; fashion + -able

Other words from Fashionable

fash·ion·a·ble·ness , fash·ion·a·bil·i·ty , noun
fash·ion·a·bly , adverb
an·ti·fash·ion·a·ble , adjective
non·fash·ion·a·ble , adjective
non·fash·ion·a·ble·ness , noun
non·fash·ion·a·bly , adverb
qua·si-fash·ion·a·ble , adjective
qua·si-fash·ion·a·bly , adverb
ul·tra·fash·ion·a·ble , adjective
ul·tra·fash·ion·a·bly , adverb
un·fash·ion·a·ble , adjective
un·fash·ion·a·bly , adverb

Synonyms for Fashionable

chic, contemporary, hot, mod, modern, new, popular, smart, swank, trendy, upscale, a go-go, all the rage, chichi, current, customary, dashing, faddy, favored, fly, genteel, in style, in vogue, in-thing, last word, latest, latest thing, modish, natty, newfangled, now, prevailing, rakish, trendsetting, up-to-the-minute, usual, well-liked, with it, à la mode