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Showing words for FATHEAD using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Fathead
6 Letter Words for Fathead
5 Letter Words for Fathead
aahed, ahead, death, defat, faade, fated, hated
4 Letter Words for Fathead
adat, adet, ahed, ated, atef, daft, data, date, deaf, deft, eath, fade, fate, fath, feat, feta, haaf, hade, haft, hate, head, heaf, heat, heft, tade, taed, taha, tead, thae, thea, thed
3 Letter Words for Fathead
aah, ade, adh, afd, aft, aha, ate, dae, dah, dat, dea, def, det, dft, dha, ead, eat, edh, eft, ehf, eta, eth, fad, fah, fat, fed, feh, fet, fha, fth, had, hae, haf, hat, hed, het, taa, tad, tea, ted, tef, tha, thd, the
Definitions for Fathead
[1] Slang . a stupid person; fool.
[2] sheephead.
[3] fathead minnow.
[4] informal a stupid person; fool
Words related to Fathead
nitwit, ass, stooge, jerk, idiot, sucker, clown, twit, buffoon, moron, boob, nerd, bonehead, dummy, cretin, dunce, fool, imbecile, blockhead, ninny
Words nearby Fathead
fated, fateful, fates, fath, fath., fathead, fathead minnow, fatheaded, father, father christmas, father confessor
Origin of Fathead
First recorded in 1830–40; fat + head
Synonyms for Fathead
blockhead, bonehead, buffoon, cretin, dimwit, dolt, dork, dumbbell, dummy, dunce, fool, ignoramus, imbecile, jerk, moron, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, pinhead, simpleton, halfwit, stupid person