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Showing words for FEARFULLY using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Fearfully
7 Letter Words for Fearfully
6 Letter Words for Fearfully
5 Letter Words for Fearfully
4 Letter Words for Fearfully
3 Letter Words for Fearfully
Definitions for Fearfully
[1] causing or apt to cause fear; frightening: a fearful apparition.
[2] feeling fear, dread, apprehension, or solicitude: fearful for his life; fearful lest he commit suicide.
[3] full of awe or reverence: fearful of the Lord.
[4] showing or caused by fear: fearful behavior.
[5] extreme in size, intensity, or badness: a fearful head cold; fearful poverty.
[6] in a fearful manner
[7] (intensifier) you're fearfully kind
[8] having fear; afraid
[9] causing fear; frightening
[10] informal very unpleasant or annoying a fearful cold
Words related to Fearfully
fearfulnervously, timidly, apprehensively, diffidently, shyly, awfully, excessively, frightfully
Words nearby Fearfully
fearfulfe., feal, fealty, fear, feared, fearful, fearfully, fearless, fearnought, fearsome, feasance
Origin of Fearfully
First recorded in 1300–50, fearful is from the Middle English word ferful. See fear, -ful
Words that may be confused with Fearfully
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, fearfulfearful, fearsome
Other words from Fearfully
fear·ful·ly , adverb
fear·ful·ness , noun
o·ver·fear·ful , adjective
o·ver·fear·ful·ly , adverb
o·ver·fear·ful·ness , noun
pre·fear·ful , adjective
pre·fear·ful·ly , adverb
un·fear·ful , adjective
un·fear·ful·ly , adverb
un·fear·ful·ness , noun
Synonyms for Fearfully
nervously, timidly, apprehensively, diffidently, in alarm, in fright, in terror, shrinkingly, shyly, timorously