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Showing words for FEATHERBONE using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Featherbone


9 Letter Words for Featherbone


8 Letter Words for Featherbone

batoneer, behenate, bohereen, etherean, fenerate, forbathe, forehent, tenebrae, thereben

7 Letter Words for Featherbone

abortee, aerobee, aeronef, another, athenee, athenor, baronet, beneath, benorth, bethorn, breathe, earthen, enforth, enheart, ethrane, feather, fenetre, forhent, freenet, frenate, hearten, herbane, naether, oftener, onerate, rebathe, reboant, rheotan, teheran, tenebra, terefah, thereof, thereon, traheen

6 Letter Words for Featherbone

aborne, aerobe, aether, aethon, afreet, afrete, afront, anorth, anther, athene, athrob, atoner, banter, barton, bather, beaner, beatee, beaten, beater, beearn, beefer, beenah, beento, before, befret, behear, behorn, behote, benote, berate, bereft, bertha, berthe, betear, betone, betorn, boater, bonete, bontee, borane, borate, borean, boreen, bothan, bother, breath, brehon, breton, brotan, brothe, efreet, enfort, enfree, enhort, enrobe, entera, entree, eothen, erthen, eterne, ethane, ethene, fantee, father, feater, fenter, forane, fother, freath, habere, hafter, harten, heaten, heater, hebete, hebona, hefter, henter, hereat, hereof, hereon, hereto, hetero, hobart, hornet, naboth, nather, neater, neebor, nether, norate, nother, obarne, onethe, orante, orbate, ornate, rateen, rebate, rebato, rebeat, rebent, rebone, rebote, refete, refont, reheat, rehete, rehone, renate, rentee, retene, rhenea, taheen, teener, tenore, terefa, theban, thenar, threne, throne, trefah

5 Letter Words for Featherbone

abhor, abner, abnet, abore, abort, abote, abret, aeron, afore, afret, after, ahent, antre, arent, arete, arnee, atone, atren, bahoe, baret, baron, barth, bater, bathe, baton, beano, beant, beare, beath, beent, beeth, befan, behen, benet, bento, berat, beret, berne, beroe, berth, beton, boart, bohea, boner, boree, borne, botan, brant, brent, breth, broth, earth, eaten, eater, eathe, eeten, enate, enhat, entea, enter, entre, erato, ether, farth, fator, feare, feere, ferth, fetor, foehn, fohat, foret, forte, forth, frate, freen, freet, frena, freon, front, froth, habet, hater, heare, heart, heben, hefte, herba, herne, heroe, heron, honer, hoten, nathe, neafe, neath, neter, north, noter, oaten, oater, obeah, often, ofter, ohare, orant, orate, other, rabot, ranee, rathe, reate, reban, refan, rehab, rehoe, renet, rente, retan, rethe, rheen, rhone, roate, rohan, ronte, rotan, taber, tabor, teene, tehee, tenor, terfe, terna, terne, thane, tharf, thebe, theer, theor, there, thone, thore, thorn, thrae, three, throb, throe, toher, toner, toran, treen, trefa, trona, trone

4 Letter Words for Featherbone

abet, abor, aero, afer, afro, anet, anre, ante, aren, aret, arno, arte, atef, baft, baho, baht, bane, bant, bare, barf, barn, bart, bate, bath, bean, bear, beat, beef, been, beer, beet, behn, bena, bene, beno, bent, bere, bern, beta, bete, beth, bhat, boar, boat, boer, bona, bone, bora, bore, borh, born, bort, bota, bote, both, brae, bran, brat, bree, bret, brot, earn, eath, eboe, ebon, ebro, ento, entr, eoan, erat, erne, erth, eten, ethe, etna, eton, fahr, fane, fano, fant, faon, fare, faro, fart, fate, fath, fear, feat, feeb, feer, feet, fent, fern, feta, fete, foen, fone, font, forb, fore, fort, frab, frae, frat, free, fren, fret, froe, frot, haen, haft, hant, hare, harn, haro, hart, hate, heaf, hear, heat, hebe, heer, heft, hent, hera, herb, here, hern, hero, hert, hete, hoar, hoer, hone, hont, hora, hore, horn, hort, hote, nabe, nare, nato, natr, neaf, near, neat, nebe, nebo, neer, neet, nete, neth, noah, nore, nota, note, oath, oban, oner, orae, oran, orfe, orna, orth, raft, rane, rant, raob, rate, rath, rato, rean, reef, reen, reet, reft, reno, rent, rete, rhea, rheo, rhet, roan, robe, rone, ront, rota, rote, taen, tahr, tane, tanh, tare, tarn, taro, tean, tear, teen, teer, tehr, tene, tera, terf, tern, thae, than, thar, thea, theb, thee, then, thob, thof, thon, thor, thro, tobe, toea, tone, tore, torn, trah, tree, trna, tron

3 Letter Words for Featherbone

abn, abo, abr, abt, aer, afb, aft, aho, ane, ant, aob, aor, arb, are, arf, arn, art, ate, bae, bah, ban, bar, bat, bee, bef, ben, ber, bet, bnf, boa, boe, boh, bon, bor, bot, bra, bro, ean, ear, eat, ebn, een, eer, eft, ehf, ene, eof, eon, era, ere, erf, ern, ert, eta, eth, fab, fah, fan, fao, far, fat, feb, fee, feh, fen, fer, fet, fha, fob, foe, foh, fon, for, fot, fra, fro, frt, fth, hab, hae, haf, han, hao, hat, hee, hen, heo, her, het, hoa, hob, hoe, hon, hor, hot, nab, nae, naf, nah, nar, nat, nbe, nea, neb, nee, nef, neo, net, noa, nob, noh, nor, not, nth, oaf, oar, oat, oba, obe, oer, oft, ona, one, ont, ora, orb, ore, orf, ort, rab, raf, rah, ran, rat, rea, reb, ree, ref, reh, rfb, rha, rhb, rhe, rho, rna, rob, roe, ron, rot, rte, tab, tan, tao, tar, tea, tee, tef, ten, ter, tfr, tha, thb, the, tho, toa, tob, toe, ton, tor, tra, trf

Definitions for Featherbone

[1] a substitute for whalebone, made from the quills of domestic fowls.

Words nearby Featherbone

feather-tail glider, feather-veined, featherback, featherbed, featherbedding, featherbone, featherbrain, feathercut, feathered, featheredge, featherhead

Origin of Featherbone

An Americanism dating back to 1885–90; feather + bone