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Showing words for FEATHERSTITCH using the English dictionary

13 Letter Words for Featherstitch


10 Letter Words for Featherstitch

fratchiest, hatcheries, teacherish, tetrastich, thatchiest, thearchies

9 Letter Words for Featherstitch

aestethic, aesthetic, archthief, catheters, catteries, chaferies, chattiest, chertiest, craftiest, earthiest, factsheet, feteritas, fisheater, frettiest, heartiest, heathiest, hesitater, hetaerist, sheathier, sherifate, tarefitch, tetchiest, tetterish, thatchers, thatchier, theatrics, thretties, trifectas

8 Letter Words for Featherstitch

airsheet, ariettes, asterite, attester, attrites, cartiest, catheter, cattiest, ceratite, charette, chariest, chartist, chatters, chattier, chatties, cheaters, cheatrie, cheetahs, cheshire, chestier, chiefest, chistera, chitters, citrates, cristate, earthset, ecrasite, estriate, estriche, etherish, etherist, farthest, fasherie, fattiest, feathers, fechters, fetchers, feterita, fetisher, fiercest, fitchets, fratches, harttite, hatchers, hatchets, hatchite, hearties, heathers, heathier, hectares, heftiest, heretics, hesitate, hicatees, hitchers, iterates, rascette, ratchets, rattiest, reattest, rechates, recheats, restitch, rethatch, richtest, scattier, sericate, sheafier, sheather, shechita, stafette, steatite, stichera, stitcher, straicht, streahte, tachiste, tartiest, tashreef, teachers, teariest, teatfish, techiest, tectites, teretish, tertiate, tetchier, tetracts, thatcher, thatches, theaters, theatric, theriacs, thetches, tiercets, titrates, treaties, treatise, treefish, trifecta, tristate

7 Letter Words for Featherstitch

acetite, achiest, aeriest, aethers, aetites, afreets, aitches, archest, archsee, arefies, ariette, arishth, artiest, artiste, astrict, atheist, athirst, atresic, atretic, attires, attrist, attrite, attrits, cahiers, carites, cashier, casteth, catfish, catheti, cattier, catties, cattish, cerates, cerites, certhia, ceteris, chafers, charets, charies, chaster, chatter, chattis, cheater, cheetah, cheries, cherish, chester, chetahs, chhatri, chiefer, chitter, cithers, citrate, creates, cristae, eatches, ecartes, echites, erethic, eriachs, escheat, estafet, estreat, estrich, etacist, etatist, etchers, etheric, facette, faciest, factish, faeries, fairest, farcies, farcist, fathers, fattest, fattier, fatties, fattish, fattist, feaster, featest, feather, featish, feceris, fechter, fetcher, fetches, fetiche, fetters, fiacres, fitchee, fitcher, fitches, fitchet, fitters, fittest, freeish, freesia, freshet, fretish, frichts, hafters, hartite, hashier, hastier, hatcher, hatches, hatchet, hatters, hearths, heaters, heather, hectare, hefters, heftier, heifers, heister, heretic, heteric, hicatee, hitcher, hitches, hithers, hitters, iratest, iterate, racette, rachets, raciest, ratches, ratchet, ratfish, rathest, rathite, ratites, ratshit, rattish, reaches, rechafe, rechase, rechate, recheat, recites, refaces, refects, refetch, reheats, reshift, restate, retaste, retches, reteach, rhachis, rhaetic, richest, scatter, scrithe, secrate, secreta, seriate, sericea, shafter, shareef, shatter, sheathe, shehita, sheriat, sherifa, shifter, shither, shittah, shriech, shritch, shtchee, stacher, staithe, statice, stearic, stratic, streite, stretch, stretta, strette, stretti, striate, striche, tachist, tactite, tartest, tartish, tashrif, tastier, tatters, tatther, tattier, tatties, teacher, teaches, teachie, teather, techier, techies, tectite, teicher, teratic, tercets, terefah, tertias, testate, testier, tethers, tetract, tetters, tettish, thatcht, theater, thecate, thereas, thereat, theriac, thester, thether, thetics, thither, thratch, threats, thrifts, tierces, tiercet, tietacs, titches, titfers, tithers, titrate, titters, tresche, trisect, tritest

6 Letter Words for Featherstitch

aceite, acheer, achete, achier, achree, achter, acrite, aeries, aether, afreet, afresh, afrete, afrite, afrits, afters, airest, airths, archei, arches, archie, archit, areche, aretes, arette, aretts, ariste, artics, arties, artist, ascher, ascite, ashier, asteer, astert, astite, attest, attice, attics, attire, attrit, cahier, carest, carets, caries, cartes, casher, caster, caters, catter, cattie, cerate, cerias, cerise, cerite, certes, certie, certif, certis, cesare, cetera, chafer, chafes, chafts, chairs, chaise, chares, charet, charie, charts, chaser, chaste, chatti, cheare, cheats, cheers, cherie, cherte, cherts, chetah, cheths, chetif, chiefs, chirts, chithe, chitra, christ, cistae, citers, cither, crafts, crates, crease, create, creesh, crista, criths, earths, easier, easter, eatche, eaters, ecarte, ecrase, eftest, either, erects, eriach, ericas, eschar, estate, esther, estrif, etcher, etches, ethers, ethics, facers, facete, facets, facier, facies, factis, faerie, faiths, farces, farcie, farish, farset, fascet, fasher, faster, father, fatter, feares, fearie, feater, fechts, ferash, ferest, ferias, festae, fester, fetise, fetish, fettas, fetter, fiacre, fichat, fiches, fierce, fieres, fierte, fiesta, firths, fisher, fishet, fister, fitche, fitter, fittes, frache, fracti, fracts, fraise, fraist, fratch, freath, freest, freets, freith, freits, frette, fricht, friese, frisca, frisch, frisee, frites, friths, fritts, hachis, haeres, hafter, hairse, hairst, haiths, harish, hasher, haster, hastif, haters, hatter, heares, hearie, hearse, hearst, hearth, hearts, heaste, heater, heaths, hecate, hechts, hectar, hefter, heifer, hereat, heries, hertha, hestia, hether, hetter, hirees, hirtch, hister, hither, hithes, hitter, ischar, ishtar, itches, raches, rachet, rachis, racist, ratite, reacts, reates, recase, recash, recast, rechie, recife, recite, recits, reface, refait, refect, refits, rehash, reheat, reseat, resect, resift, resite, retest, reties, rhachi, richea, riches, richts, rifest, sachet, saeter, saithe, satire, sattie, scaife, scaith, scarfe, scarth, scathe, sceatt, scharf, scheat, sciath, scrath, screet, scrite, searce, search, seater, seathe, secret, seiche, setier, setter, shahee, sharif, sheath, sheria, sherif, shicer, shrift, shrite, shtchi, sifter, sittar, sittee, sitter, stacte, staith, starch, staree, stater, static, steare, steric, stetch, stitch, stithe, stract, strafe, strait, strate, strath, strati, street, streit, striae, strich, strict, strife, strift, taches, taisch, tarish, tashie, taster, taters, taties, tatter, tattie, tchast, teache, teaish, teaser, teathe, techie, teihte, terais, terces, tercet, tercia, terefa, terfes, tertia, testar, tester, tether, tetras, tetric, tetter, thatch, thecae, thecia, thefts, theics, theirs, theist, theres, thetas, thetch, thetes, thetic, thetis, thirst, thrace, thrash, thrast, threat, threes, thresh, thrice, thrift, thrist, tiches, tierce, tietac, tifter, titers, titfer, tither, tithes, titter, traces, tracts, traist, traits, tratts, treats, trefah, tretis, triace, triacs, triact, tricae, trices, trisha, triste, trites

5 Letter Words for Featherstitch

acers, acher, aches, acier, acies, acres, acris, aeric, aerie, aesir, afire, afret, afrit, after, airth, airts, aitch, arces, arche, archt, arest, arete, arets, arett, aries, arise, arish, arist, arite, arith, artic, asher, ashet, ashir, aster, astir, astre, atees, atter, attic, caese, cafes, cares, caret, carse, carte, carts, caser, caste, cater, cates, cease, ceras, cerat, ceres, ceria, certs, cesar, cesta, ceste, cesti, cetes, chafe, chaft, chair, chais, chait, chare, chars, chart, chase, chati, chats, cheat, cheer, cheet, chefs, cheir, chere, chert, chese, chest, cheth, chias, chief, chirt, chits, chria, cires, cista, citee, citer, cites, craft, craie, crash, crate, crest, creta, crete, cries, crise, crith, crits, earsh, earst, earth, easer, eater, eathe, ecart, echar, echea, eches, erase, erect, erica, erics, escar, ester, estre, ether, ethic, facer, faces, facet, facie, facit, facts, faire, fairs, faith, faits, farce, farci, fares, farse, farsi, farth, farts, fasci, fasti, fates, fchar, feare, fears, fease, feast, feats, feces, fecht, fecit, feers, feest, feist, feria, ferie, ferth, festa, fetas, fetch, fetes, fetis, fetta, fetts, fiars, fiats, fices, fiche, fiere, fiest, firca, fires, first, firth, fitch, fitte, fitts, fract, frase, frate, frati, frats, frees, freet, freit, fresh, frets, frett, fries, frisa, frist, frith, frits, fritt, hache, hacht, hafis, hafts, haire, hairs, haith, hares, harsh, harst, harts, hasht, haste, hatch, hater, hates, hathi, hatte, hatti, heare, hears, heart, heast, heath, heats, hechs, hecht, hecte, hefte, hefts, heirs, heist, heres, herse, hetes, heths, hiate, hicht, hiera, hiree, hires, hirse, hirst, hitch, hithe, icers, iches, ichth, ifree, irate, isere, iters, ither, races, rache, rafts, raise, raits, ratch, rates, rathe, raths, ratti, reach, react, reais, reast, reate, recit, recti, reech, reefs, reest, refit, reice, reich, reifs, reist, resat, reset, resit, retch, retes, rethe, retia, retie, rheas, rheic, rhies, rices, riche, richt, rifte, rifts, rites, rithe, ritts, sacre, safer, saice, saith, sarif, scare, scarf, scart, scath, scatt, sceat, scrae, scrat, scree, scrit, seare, secre, seech, serac, serai, sereh, seric, serif, serta, setae, sfree, shaft, shahi, share, shchi, sheaf, shear, sheat, sheer, sheet, shere, sheth, shiah, shice, shier, shift, shire, shirt, shita, shraf, sicer, sicht, sieth, sifac, sitar, sitch, sithe, sitta, stair, stare, start, state, stchi, stear, stech, steer, stere, steri, stert, stich, stife, stire, stite, stith, strae, stria, strit, taces, tacet, tache, tachi, tachs, tacit, tacts, tahrs, taich, taise, taish, taits, tares, tarie, tarse, tarsi, tarte, tarts, taser, taste, tater, tates, taths, tatie, tatts, tchai, teach, tears, teart, tease, teats, techs, tecta, teers, teest, teeth, tehrs, teise, terai, teras, terce, terfe, terfs, terse, terts, testa, teste, tetch, teths, tetra, tetri, tharf, thars, thats, theah, theat, theca, theer, thees, theet, theft, theia, theic, their, there, these, theta, thete, thief, thirt, thrae, three, tiars, ticer, tices, tiers, tifts, tires, tisar, titar, titch, titer, tithe, trace, tract, trait, trash, trats, tratt, treas, treat, trees, trefa, treif, trest, triac, trias, trica, trice, tries, trifa, trist, trite, tsere

4 Letter Words for Featherstitch

acer, aces, ache, acre, acth, acts, afer, ahhs, aire, airs, airt, aith, aits, arch, arcs, ares, aret, arfs, aris, arte, arts, asci, astr, atef, ates, atis, atte, cafe, cafh, cair, care, carf, cars, cart, case, cash, cast, cate, cath, cats, ceas, cees, cera, cere, cert, cest, cete, ceti, chai, char, chas, chat, chee, chef, cher, chia, chih, chis, chit, cira, cire, cist, cite, cits, cres, cris, crit, crts, each, ears, ease, east, eath, eats, eche, echt, eech, efts, eira, eire, eras, erat, eres, eria, eric, erie, eris, erse, ersh, erst, erth, esca, etas, etat, etch, ethe, eths, etic, face, fact, fahr, fahs, fair, fait, fare, fars, fart, fasc, fash, fast, fate, fath, fats, fear, feat, feer, fees, feet, fehs, feis, fers, fest, feta, fete, fets, fett, fiar, fiat, fica, fice, fict, fier, fies, fire, firs, fisc, fise, fish, fist, fits, fitt, frae, fras, frat, free, fret, fris, frit, haec, haes, haft, hair, hait, hare, hart, hash, hast, hate, hath, hats, hatt, heaf, hear, heat, hech, heer, heft, hehs, heir, hera, here, hers, hert, hest, hete, heth, hets, hics, hies, hire, hish, hist, hits, iare, icer, ices, ichs, ires, isth, itas, itch, iter, race, rach, raft, rahs, rais, rait, rash, rast, rate, rath, rats, recs, rect, reef, rees, reet, refs, reft, rehs, reif, reit, rest, rete, rets, rhea, rhet, rias, rice, rich, ries, rife, rifs, rift, risc, rise, rist, rita, rite, rits, ritt, safe, saft, sahh, saic, sair, sare, sari, sart, sate, sati, scar, scat, scet, scfh, seah, sear, seat, sech, sect, seer, seif, seir, seit, sere, serf, sert, seta, seth, sett, shah, shea, shee, sher, shet, shia, shih, shir, shit, shri, sice, sich, sier, sife, sift, sire, sita, site, sith, srac, star, stat, ster, stet, stie, stir, stra, stre, tace, tach, tact, taft, tahr, tais, tait, tare, tari, tars, tart, tash, tate, tath, tats, tatt, tche, tchr, tear, teas, teat, teca, tech, teer, tees, teet, tefs, tehr, tera, terf, test, tete, teth, tets, thae, thai, thar, that, thea, thee, thir, this, tiar, tice, tich, tics, tier, ties, tift, tire, tite, tits, trac, trah, trat, tree, tres, tret, trie, trit, tshi, tsia

3 Letter Words for Featherstitch

ace, ach, act, aer, aes, aft, ahh, ahi, ahs, air, ais, ait, arc, are, arf, ars, art, ase, ash, ast, ate, att, caf, cai, car, cat, cee, cer, cfh, cfi, cfs, cha, che, chi, chs, cia, cie, cif, cir, cis, cit, crs, crt, csi, cst, cte, ctf, ctr, cts, ear, eas, eat, ech, ect, eec, eer, efs, eft, ehf, ehs, eir, era, ere, erf, ers, ert, esc, ese, esr, est, eta, etc, eth, fac, fah, far, fas, fat, fcs, fec, fee, feh, fei, fer, fes, fet, fha, fie, fir, fit, fra, fri, frs, frt, fsh, fth, hae, haf, has, hat, hcf, hee, heh, hei, her, hes, het, hia, hic, hie, hir, his, hit, hrs, hts, ice, ich, ifc, ife, ifs, ihs, ira, ire, irs, ise, ish, ist, ita, its, raf, rah, rai, ras, rat, rct, rea, rec, ree, ref, reh, rei, res, rfs, rha, rhe, ria, rie, rif, rit, rte, rti, sac, sah, sai, sar, sat, scf, sch, sci, scr, sct, sea, sec, see, sei, ser, set, sha, she, shf, shh, shi, shr, sht, sic, sie, sif, sir, sit, sri, sta, str, tai, tar, tas, tat, tch, tea, tec, tee, tef, ter, tes, tet, tfr, tha, the, tic, tie, tis, tit, tra, trf, tri, trs, trt, tsh, tsi, tst

Definitions for Featherstitch

[1] an embroidery stitch producing work in which a succession of branches extend alternately on each side of a central stem.
[2] to ornament by featherstitch.
[3] a zigzag embroidery stitch
[4] to decorate (cloth) with featherstitch

Words nearby Featherstitch

featheredge, featherhead, feathering, featherlight, feathers, featherstitch, featherweight, feathery, featly, feature, feature story

Origin of Featherstitch

First recorded in 1825–35; feather + stitch