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Showing words for FEATHERWEIGHT using the English dictionary

13 Letter Words for Featherweight


10 Letter Words for Featherweight


9 Letter Words for Featherweight

highwater, thegether, thegither, therewith, wetherteg, whitefeet

8 Letter Words for Featherweight

afterwit, aigrette, etherate, feterita, figeater, frettage, giftware, heathier, herewith, heritage, reweight, teethier, weighter, wheatier, withgate

7 Letter Words for Featherweight

afright, aheight, ariette, ateeter, egretta, eighter, etagere, fargite, fattier, feather, feetage, feigher, ferigee, figeter, fighter, fittage, freight, frigate, hartite, heather, heftier, hireage, iterate, iwearth, rathite, refight, retweet, reweigh, rhagite, tawtier, teather, teether, terefah, tergite, thawier, theater, thereat, thether, thewier, thither, thwaite, tighter, treatee, trewage, tweeter, waterie, weather, weftage, weigher, wharfie, whereat, whether, whetter, whither, whitret, whitter, withtee, wraithe, wreathe

6 Letter Words for Featherweight

aether, afreet, afrete, afrite, agrief, aigret, arette, aright, attire, atwite, aweigh, awheft, earwig, efreet, egeria, eighth, either, ergate, etagre, etwite, faerie, father, fatter, fearie, feater, feerie, fetter, fewter, fierte, fitter, freath, fregit, freith, frette, fright, gaiter, gareth, gather, gatter, geerah, gerate, gerefa, gether, getter, ghafir, ghatti, ghetti, gitter, graith, greete, greith, grewia, gthite, hafter, hatter, hearie, hearth, heater, heehaw, hefter, hegari, hegira, heifer, height, hereat, hertha, hether, hetter, higher, hirage, hither, hitter, ratite, refait, refete, regift, reheat, rehete, rethaw, tairge, target, tawier, tawite, tawtie, teathe, teeter, teethe, teihte, terefa, terete, tertia, tether, tewart, tewhit, tewter, thawer, thight, threat, thrift, thwait, thwart, thwite, tifter, tirage, titfer, tither, trefah, treget, triage, trigae, triwet, twaite, twight, wafter, waiter, wather, watter, weeter, weight, wether, wetter, wharfe, whatre, wheare, whiter, wigher, witgat, wither, witter, wraith, wreath, wrethe, wright, wrihte, writee, writhe

5 Letter Words for Featherweight

aegir, aerie, afire, afret, afrit, after, agete, agree, ahigh, aiger, airth, arete, arett, arite, arith, atter, awhet, awhir, eager, eagre, earth, eater, eathe, eerie, egret, eight, etage, ether, etwee, fager, faire, faith, farth, feare, feere, feria, ferie, ferth, fetta, fetwa, fewer, fiere, fight, firth, fitte, frate, frati, freet, freit, frett, frith, fritt, gaitt, gareh, garth, gater, geare, geira, gerah, gerea, getah, giher, girth, graft, grate, great, greet, greit, greta, grete, grewt, grief, grift, grith, haire, haith, hater, hathi, hatte, hatti, hawer, heare, heart, heath, hefte, heigh, hewer, hewgh, hiate, hiera, hight, higra, hiree, hithe, ifree, irate, ither, ragee, rathe, ratti, reate, refit, reget, regia, regie, retag, rethe, retia, retie, rewet, rewth, rifte, right, rithe, targe, tarie, tarte, tater, tatie, tawer, tawie, teart, teeth, tehee, terai, terfe, terga, tetra, tetri, tewer, tewit, thagi, tharf, theah, theat, theer, theet, theft, theia, their, there, theta, thete, thief, thigh, thirt, thrae, thraw, three, threw, tiger, tight, titar, titer, tithe, tragi, trait, treat, trefa, treif, trifa, triga, trite, twait, tweag, tweeg, tweer, tweet, twere, twier, twite, wafer, wager, waget, waift, waite, warth, water, weete, wefte, wehee, weigh, whare, wharf, whart, whear, wheat, wheer, wheft, where, whift, white, wight, withe, wrate, wrath, wreat, write, writh

4 Letter Words for Featherweight

afer, agee, ager, aget, agit, aire, airt, aith, areg, aret, arew, argh, arte, atef, atte, awee, eath, eger, eigh, eira, eire, erat, eria, erie, erth, etat, ethe, ewer, ewte, fage, fahr, fair, fait, fare, fart, fate, fath, fawe, fear, feat, feer, feet, feta, fete, fett, fiar, fiat, fier, fire, fitt, frae, frag, frat, free, fret, frig, frit, gaet, gair, gait, gare, gari, gart, gate, gath, gatt, gear, geat, geer, geet, geir, geit, gere, geta, ghat, ghee, gift, gire, girt, gite, gith, graf, grat, gree, gret, grew, grit, haft, hagi, hair, hait, hare, hart, hate, hath, hatt, heaf, hear, heat, heer, heft, heir, hera, here, hert, hete, heth, hewe, hewt, high, hire, iare, ieee, iter, raft, rage, ragi, rait, rate, rath, reef, reet, reft, regt, reif, reit, rete, rhea, rhet, rife, rift, riga, rita, rite, ritt, taft, tahr, taig, tait, tare, tari, tart, tate, tath, tawt, tear, teat, teer, teet, tega, tehr, tera, terf, tete, teth, thae, thai, thar, that, thaw, thea, thee, thew, thig, thir, tiar, tier, tift, tige, tire, tite, trag, trah, trat, tree, tret, trew, trie, trig, trit, twae, twat, twee, twie, twig, twit, waeg, waft, wage, wagh, waif, wair, wait, ware, warf, wart, wate, wath, watt, wear, weer, weet, weft, weir, were, werf, weri, wert, weta, whar, what, whee, whet, whig, whir, whit, wife, wire, wite, with, wrig, writ

3 Letter Words for Featherweight

aer, aft, age, agr, agt, ahh, ahi, air, ait, are, arf, arg, art, ate, att, awe, ear, eat, eeg, eer, eft, ehf, eir, era, ere, erf, erg, ert, eta, eth, ewe, ewt, fag, fah, far, fat, faw, fee, feh, fei, fer, fet, few, fha, fie, fig, fir, fit, fra, frg, fri, frt, fth, gar, gat, gaw, gee, ger, get, gie, gif, git, gra, grf, gte, gtt, hae, haf, hag, hat, haw, hee, heh, hei, her, het, hew, hgt, hia, hie, hir, hit, hwt, ife, ira, ire, ita, iwa, raf, rag, rah, rai, rat, raw, rea, ree, ref, reg, reh, rei, rew, rha, rhe, ria, rie, rif, rig, rit, rte, rti, rtw, tag, tai, tar, tat, taw, tea, tee, tef, teg, ter, tet, tew, tfr, tgt, tha, the, tie, tig, tit, tra, trf, tri, trt, twa, twi, wae, waf, wag, wah, war, wat, wee, wef, wer, wet, wha, whf, whr, wig, wir, wit

Definitions for Featherweight

[1] a boxer or other contestant intermediate in weight between a bantamweight and a lightweight, especially a professional boxer weighing up to 126 pounds (57 kg).
[2] an insignificant person or thing: He thinks he's a major composer, but he's just a featherweight.
[3] belonging to the class of featherweights, especially in boxing.
[4] extremely light in weight: a featherweight quilt.
[5] unimportant; trifling; slight.
[6] something very light or of little importance (as modifier ) featherweight considerations
[7] a professional boxer weighing 118–126 pounds (53.5–57 kg) an amateur boxer weighing 54–57 kg (119–126 pounds) (as modifier ) the featherweight challenger
[8] a wrestler in a similar weight category (usually 126–139 pounds (57–63 kg))

Words related to Featherweight

agile, slight, buoyant, fluffy, loose, slender, delicate, easy, lightweight, small, airy, thin, fragile, slim, lean, meager, gaunt, skinny, narrow, trivial

Words nearby Featherweight

featherhead, feathering, featherlight, feathers, featherstitch, featherweight, feathery, featly, feature, feature story, feature-length

Origin of Featherweight

First recorded in 1805–15; feather + weight

Synonyms for Featherweight

agile, airy, buoyant, delicate, easy, fluffy, lightweight, loose, slender, slight, small, thin, dainty, flimsy, floating, little, petty, portable, sheer, trifling, atmospheric, crumbly, downy, effervescent, ethereal, feathery, filmy, floatable, friable, frothy, gossamery, graceful, imponderous, inconsequential, insubstantial, light-footed, lithe, meager, nimble, porous, sandy, spongy, sprightly, sylphlike, tissuelike, trivial, unheavy, unsubstantial, weightless