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Showing words for FECES using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Feces


4 Letter Words for Feces

cees, fees

3 Letter Words for Feces

cee, cfs, eec, efs, esc, ese, fcs, fec, fee, fes, scf, sec, see

Definitions for Feces

[1] waste matter discharged from the intestines through the anus; excrement.
[2] dregs; sediment.
[3] the usual US spelling of faeces

Words related to Feces

dung, feculence, ordure, excreta, egesta, ejecta

Words nearby Feces

fecal vomiting, fecalith, fecaloid, fecaloma, fecaluria, feces, fechner, fechner-weber law, fecht, fecit, feck

Origin of Feces

1425–75; late Middle English < Latin faecēs grounds, dregs, sediment (plural of faex )

Synonyms for Feces

dung, excreta, feculence, ordure, egesta, ejecta, ejectamenta