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Showing words for FECULENCE using the English dictionary

9 Letter Words for Feculence


8 Letter Words for Feculence


7 Letter Words for Feculence

fluence, lucence

6 Letter Words for Feculence

fleece, unfeel, unfele

5 Letter Words for Feculence

fence, neele, uncle

4 Letter Words for Feculence

cele, cene, clee, clef, clue, ecce, eccl, elec, elne, encl, enuf, feel, fele, flee, flue, fuel, leef, lene, luce, lune, unce

3 Letter Words for Feculence

cee, cel, cen, cfc, cue, cul, cun, ecc, ecu, eec, eel, een, efl, elf, enc, ene, enl, fec, fee, fen, feu, flu, fun, lee, leu, lue, nee, nef, nul, ule, unc, unl

Definitions for Feculence

[1] full of dregs or fecal matter; foul, turbid, or muddy.
[2] filthy, scummy, muddy, or foul
[3] of the nature of or containing waste matter

Words related to Feculence

feculentdung, excrement, soil, muck, mud, stain, ground, smut, grime, slime, ordure, excreta, filth, tarnish, squalor, dregs, uncleanness, filthiness, grubbiness, foulness

Words nearby Feculence

feculentfecit, feck, fecking, feckless, fecula, feculent, fecund, fecundate, fecundation, fecundity, fed

Origin of Feculence

t1425–75; late Middle English < Latin faeculentus full of dregs. See feces, -ulent

Other words from Feculence

fec·u·lence , noun

Word origin for Feculence

tC15: from Latin faeculentus ; see faeces

Synonyms for Feculence

BM, crap, defecation, discharge, dung, excrement, excretion, fecal matter, feces, flux, go to the bathroom, manure, number two, shit, stool, waste