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Showing words for FECUNDATION using the English dictionary

11 Letter Words for Fecundation


10 Letter Words for Fecundation

confidante, defunction, fountained, functioned

9 Letter Words for Fecundation

afunction, auctioned, cautioned, coadunite, confidant, confident, contadine, contained, continued, education, fantocine, noctuidae, uncinated, undefiant, unfancied, unnoticed

8 Letter Words for Fecundation

actioned, anointed, antinode, autocide, canioned, cantoned, catenoid, cenation, cetonian, confated, confined, confuted, contineu, continua, continue, countian, eduction, enaction, enfatico, fanioned, financed, fountain, fucation, function, incanted, incudate, infecund, innodate, inundate, necation, nonacute, nudation, nunciate, outdance, outfaced, unaction, unatoned, uncinate, uncoated, uncoifed, uncoined, unifaced

7 Letter Words for Fecundation

acetoin, aconine, aconite, actifed, actinon, adonite, afounde, ancient, anconei, annicut, anodine, antedon, antoeci, auction, audient, candent, candite, caneton, cantino, cantion, caution, cetonia, codeina, condite, conduit, confide, confine, confute, connate, contain, contend, contenu, contund, contune, counite, counted, ctenoid, cundite, daunton, defacto, defiant, defunct, deontic, doucine, ducaton, duction, dunnite, enation, entonic, etonian, eutocia, faciend, facient, faconde, faconne, faction, factoid, fadeout, fainted, fancied, fatuoid, fianced, finance, fodient, fondant, fontina, infante, infound, innuate, intoned, nanduti, noctuid, noetian, nointed, nonacid, nondeaf, nonfact, noticed, nuanced, oceanid, outface, outfind, tacnode, tannide, tannoid, tonneau, tuedian, tunicae, unacted, uncaned, uncited, unction, unfaced, unfaint, unfated, unfiend, unfined, uniface, unioned, unnoted, unoften, untoned

6 Letter Words for Fecundation

acetin, acnode, acoine, aconin, actine, action, adenin, adient, adnoun, adonic, adonin, aeonic, ancien, ancone, anetic, anicut, annect, annite, anodic, anoine, anoint, antido, atoned, atonic, audion, auntie, autoed, cadent, candie, canine, canion, canned, cannet, cannie, cannot, canoed, canted, canton, caoine, cation, cautio, ceftin, centai, centon, cnidae, coated, coatie, codeia, coedit, coined, conand, condie, condue, confit, conine, conite, conned, connie, contin, coteau, cuinfo, dacite, dacoit, daftie, danton, daoine, datenu, dation, dautie, deacon, decani, decant, decoat, dentin, detain, deuton, ditone, docent, donate, donnat, douane, doucet, doucin, ducato, duenna, dunite, econut, enatic, encina, endict, enfant, ennoic, enoint, eonian, eucain, euodic, facund, fadein, fained, fanion, fanned, fanout, fantod, faucet, fecund, fenian, fennic, fiance, fiated, fiaunt, fidate, findon, finnac, finned, finnoc, foined, fondue, fonned, fonted, founce, founte, fucate, fucoid, fundic, fundie, funned, incant, incend, incent, incute, indane, indent, indone, induce, induct, induna, ineunt, inface, infand, infant, infect, infund, innate, intend, intoed, intone, intune, inunct, iodate, ionate, nanoid, nation, nautic, neanic, necton, nidate, noance, nocent, noctua, noetic, nonact, nonaid, nonfat, notice, nuance, nudate, nuncio, octane, octine, ointed, ondine, oneida, outfed, tanned, tannic, tannid, tendon, tienda, tinean, tinned, toucan, tunica, tunned, uncate, unciae, uncite, uncoat, uncoft, uncoif, uncoin, undate, undeaf, undean, undeft, undine, undone, unface, unfact, unfain, unfine, unfond, uniate, uniced, unicef, united, unneat, unnice, untied, untine, untone

5 Letter Words for Fecundation

acned, acoin, acone, acted, actin, acton, acute, adcon, adieu, adion, adunc, ancon, anend, anent, anion, annet, annie, annot, anode, anted, antic, atone, atune, auden, audio, audit, cadet, cadie, caned, canid, canoe, canon, canto, canun, cauon, ceint, centi, cento, centu, cetin, cited, citua, cnida, coaid, coate, coati, coden, coned, conia, conin, conne, connu, conta, contd, conte, cotan, coted, coude, count, cunea, cunei, cunit, cunni, cutie, cutin, daine, daint, dance, danic, danio, dante, daunt, decaf, decan, decon, defat, denat, deota, detin, diact, diane, dicot, dicta, diota, doina, donat, donec, donet, donna, donne, douce, duant, ducat, dunce, dunne, dunno, ecoid, ectad, edict, educt, enact, encia, endia, enfin, eniac, ennia, ennui, entad, entia, eucti, faced, facet, facie, facit, facto, faden, faine, faint, fanin, fanit, fanon, fated, faute, fecit, feint, fetid, fiant, fiend, fient, finca, fined, foeti, fonda, fotui, fouat, fouet, found, fount, foute, fundi, funic, futon, idant, idcue, ident, ideta, inact, inane, incan, incut, indan, indef, induc, inned, innet, inone, intue, nance, nandi, nandu, naunt, necia, nenta, nicad, nintu, ninut, niota, niton, noint, nonce, nonda, nonet, nonic, notan, noted, nucin, nudie, nunce, oaten, ocean, octad, octan, oenin, often, oncet, oncia, oncin, onned, ontic, ounce, outed, outen, taino, tauon, tecon, teind, tenai, tendo, tendu, tenia, tenio, tenno, tennu, tenon, ticed, tinca, tinea, tined, todea, tondi, toned, tonic, tonne, tufan, tuina, tunca, tuned, tunic, tunna, unact, uncia, unden, undon, unfed, unfit, uniat, unice, union, unite, unnet, unode, untie, untin, utend, utica

4 Letter Words for Fecundation

aced, acid, acne, actu, aden, adet, adit, adon, aide, aine, aint, ainu, aion, aitu, ance, anet, anne, anni, anno, anon, ante, anti, antu, ated, atef, atoc, aune, aunt, aute, auto, cade, cadi, cafe, caid, cain, cand, cane, cann, cant, caon, cate, cauf, cedi, cent, ceti, ciao, cide, cine, cion, cite, cito, coat, coda, code, coed, coef, coft, coif, coin, coit, cond, cone, conf, coni, conn, cont, cote, coua, coud, coue, cuda, cued, cuif, cuit, cund, cunt, cuon, cute, dace, daft, dain, dane, dant, danu, date, dato, daun, daut, deaf, dean, deco, defi, deft, deia, deni, dent, deti, detn, dian, dice, dict, diet, dine, dino, dint, dioc, dita, dite, doat, doen, doit, dona, done, doni, dont, dote, doua, douc, dout, duan, duce, duci, duct, duet, duit, dune, dunt, eadi, ecad, ecod, econ, ecto, edit, educ, endo, ento, enuf, eoan, etic, etna, eton, etua, etui, euda, euoi, face, fact, fade, fado, fain, fait, fand, fane, fano, fant, faon, fate, faun, faut, fdic, feat, fedn, fend, feni, fent, feod, feta, feud, fiat, fica, fice, fico, fict, fide, fido, fied, find, fine, finn, fino, foen, foid, foin, fond, fone, font, foud, foun, fuci, fund, funt, fute, icao, iced, icod, icon, idea, ideo, idun, inca, inde, indn, info, inne, inta, into, iode, iota, nace, naid, naif, nain, naio, nane, nant, naoi, nato, natu, naut, neaf, neat, neif, nein, neon, neti, neut, nice, nide, nied, nief, nife, nina, nine, nito, node, nodi, nona, none, nota, note, noun, nout, nuda, nude, nunc, octa, odea, odic, odin, oeci, oint, onca, once, otic, outa, tace, taco, tade, taed, taen, tain, tane, taun, tead, tean, teca, tend, tiao, tice, tide, tied, tien, tinc, tind, tine, toad, toda, tode, toea, toed, tofu, tone, tonn, toun, tuan, tufa, tuna, tund, tune, tuno, udon, unai, unca, unce, unci, unco, unct, unda, unde, undo, unie, unio, unit, unta, unto, utai

3 Letter Words for Fecundation

ace, act, adc, ade, ado, afd, aft, aid, ain, ait, anc, and, ane, ann, ant, anu, ate, aud, auf, cad, caf, cai, can, cat, cdf, cen, ceo, cfd, cfi, cia, cid, cie, cif, cit, cod, con, cot, cte, ctf, ctn, cto, cud, cue, cun, cut, dae, dan, dao, dat, dau, dca, dea, dec, def, dei, den, det, dft, dia, die, dif, din, dit, dna, doa, doc, doe, don, dot, duc, due, dui, dun, duo, ead, ean, eat, eau, eco, ect, ecu, edo, eft, enc, end, eof, eon, eta, etc, fac, fad, fan, fao, fat, fec, fed, fei, fen, fet, feu, fid, fie, fin, fit, fod, foe, fon, fot, fou, fud, fun, fut, iao, ice, ida, ide, ido, ifc, ife, inc, ind, inf, inn, int, iof, ion, iou, ita, itd, iud, nad, nae, naf, nat, nco, nea, ned, nef, nei, neo, net, nid, nie, nit, nne, noa, nod, non, not, nun, nut, oad, oaf, oat, oca, oct, oda, ode, oft, oie, ona, one, oni, ont, otc, oud, ouf, oui, out, tad, tai, tan, tao, tau, tea, tec, ted, tef, ten, tic, tid, tie, tin, tiu, toa, toc, tod, toe, toi, ton, tou, tua, tue, tui, tun, uca, udo, ufa, ufo, uit, una, unc, uni, unn, uta, utc, ute, uti

Definitions for Fecundation

[1] to make prolific or fruitful.
[2] Biology . to impregnate or fertilize.
[3] to make fruitful
[4] to fertilize; impregnate

Words related to Fecundation

fecundatepropagation, breeding, procreation, implantation, pollination, conjugation, impregnation, insemination, evolution, gravidity, growth, reproduction, pregnancy, maturation, incubation

Words nearby Fecundation

fecundatefecking, feckless, fecula, feculent, fecund, fecundate, fecundation, fecundity, fed, fed to the gills, fed up

Origin of Fecundation

e1625–35; < Latin fēcundātus made fruitful, fertilized (past participle of fēcundāre ). See fecund, -ate1

Other words from Fecundation

fe·cun·da·tion , noun
fe·cun·da·tor , noun
fe·cun·da·to·ry [fi-kuhn -duh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /fɪˈkʌn dəˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/ , adjective
pre·fe·cun·da·tion , noun
un·fe·cun·dat·ed , adjective
fe′ cun•date′ v.

Word origin for Fecundation

eC17: from Latin fēcundāre to fertilize

Synonyms for Fecundation

breeding, implantation, pollination, procreation, propagation, conjugation, impregnation, insemination