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Showing words for FEMININENESS using the English dictionary
12 Letter Words for Feminineness
9 Letter Words for Feminineness
8 Letter Words for Feminineness
7 Letter Words for Feminineness
6 Letter Words for Feminineness
5 Letter Words for Feminineness
4 Letter Words for Feminineness
3 Letter Words for Feminineness
Definitions for Feminineness
[1] pertaining to a woman or girl: feminine beauty; feminine dress.
[2] having qualities traditionally ascribed to women, as sensitivity or gentleness.
[3] effeminate; womanish: a man with a feminine walk.
[4] belonging to the female sex; female: feminine staff members.
[5] Grammar . noting or pertaining to that one of the three genders of Latin, Greek, German, etc., or one of the two genders of French, Spanish, Hebrew, etc., having among its members most nouns referring to females, as well as other nouns, as Latin stella “star,” or German Zeit “time.”
[6] the feminine gender.
[7] a noun or other element in or marking that gender.
[8] suitable to or characteristic of a woman a feminine fashion
[9] possessing qualities or characteristics considered typical of or appropriate to a woman
[10] effeminate; womanish
[11] grammar denoting or belonging to a gender of nouns, occurring in many inflected languages, that includes all kinds of referents as well as some female animate referents (as noun ) German Zeit ``time'' and Ehe ``marriage'' are feminines
Words related to Feminineness
feminineladylike, soft, tender, womanly, female, dainty, effeminate, womanish
Words nearby Feminineness
femininefeme-sole trader, femic, femicide, feminacy, femineity, feminine, feminine caesura, feminine ending, feminine rhyme, femininity, femininity complex
Origin of Feminineness
1350–1400; Middle English < Anglo-French, Old French: feminine of feminin < L of fēminīnus, equivalent to fēmin(a ) woman (see fetus) + -īnus -ine1
Words that may be confused with Feminineness
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, femininefemale, feminine, (see, synonym, study, at, female), effeminate, effete, feminine, womanish, womanly, (see, synonym, study, at, womanly)
Other words from Feminineness
fem·i·nine·ly , adverb
fem·i·nine·ness , noun
an·ti·fem·i·nine , adjective
an·ti·fem·i·nine·ly , adverb
an·ti·fem·i·nine·ness , noun
half-fem·i·nine , adjective
hy·per·fem·i·nine , adjective
hy·per·fem·i·nine·ly , adverb
hy·per·fem·i·nine·ness , noun
o·ver·fem·i·nine , adjective
o·ver·fem·i·nine·ly , adverb
pseu·do·fem·i·nine , adjective
su·per·fem·i·nine , adjective
ul·tra·fem·i·nine , adjective
un·fem·i·nine , adjective
un·fem·i·nine·ly , adverb
Word origin for Feminineness
C14: from Latin fēminīnus, from fēmina woman