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Showing words for FESTSCHRIFT using the English dictionary
11 Letter Words for Festschrift
9 Letter Words for Festschrift
crestfish, stitchers
8 Letter Words for Festschrift
chitters, fitchets, restitch, richtest, sheriffs, shifters, stiffest, stitcher, stitches, striches, triffest, trisects
7 Letter Words for Festschrift
chiffer, chitter, christs, cithers, crisset, estrich, fishers, fitcher, fitches, fitchet, fitters, fretish, frichts, hitters, reshift, resifts, restiff, richest, scrithe, sectist, serfish, sferics, sheriff, sherifs, shifter, shrifts, sifters, sitters, sterics, stiffer, stretch, striche, strifes, strifts, theists, thetics, thirsts, thrifts, thrists, titches, titfers, tithers, trisect
6 Letter Words for Festschrift
certif, certis, cherts, chests, chetif, chiefs, chirts, christ, citers, citess, cither, crests, crises, criths, estrif, ethics, fechts, feists, fetish, fiches, fifers, fifths, firsts, firths, fisher, fishes, fishet, fister, fitche, fitter, fittes, freith, freits, fricht, frisch, frises, frists, frites, friths, fritts, fsiest, heists, hisser, hister, hitter, itches, recits, refits, reists, resift, resist, resits, restis, rhesis, riches, richts, rifest, schist, scries, scrite, serifs, sherif, shicer, shiers, shiest, shifts, shires, shirts, shrift, shrite, sieths, sifter, sister, sithes, sitter, steric, stetch, stichs, stiffs, stires, stitch, stithe, streit, strich, strict, strife, strift, testis, tetric, thefts, theics, theirs, theist, thesis, thetic, thetis, thirst, thrice, thrift, thrist, tiches, tifter, titers, titfer, tither, tithes, tresis, trests, tretis, trices, triste, trites
5 Letter Words for Festschrift
certs, cesti, chefs, cheir, chert, chess, chest, chief, chirt, chits, cires, cists, citer, cites, cress, crest, cries, crise, criss, crith, crits, erics, ethic, fecht, fecit, feist, ferth, fests, fetch, fetis, fetts, fices, fiche, fiefs, fiest, fifer, fifes, fifth, fires, first, firth, fiscs, fists, fitch, fitte, fitts, freit, fresh, fress, frets, frett, fries, friss, frist, frith, frits, fritt, hefts, heirs, heist, hests, hires, hirse, hirst, hists, icers, iches, ishes, iters, ither, recit, recti, refit, reich, reifs, reist, resit, rests, retch, rheic, rhies, rices, riche, richt, riffs, rifte, rifts, rises, rites, rithe, ritts, scrit, sects, seifs, seirs, serfs, seric, serif, sesti, setts, shets, shice, shier, shies, shift, shire, shirs, shirt, shist, shits, shris, sicer, sices, sicht, siest, sieth, sifts, sires, sitch, sites, sithe, stchi, stech, steri, stert, stets, stich, sties, stife, stiff, stire, stirs, stite, stith, strit, techs, teffs, tehrs, terfs, terts, tests, tetch, teths, tetri, theft, theic, their, thief, thirt, ticer, tices, tiers, tiffs, tifts, tires, titch, titer, tithe, treif, tress, trest, trice, tries, triff, trist, trite
4 Letter Words for Festschrift
cert, cess, cest, ceti, chef, cher, chis, chit, cire, cist, cite, cits, cres, cris, crit, crts, echt, effs, efts, eric, eris, ersh, erst, erth, ests, etch, eths, etic, fehs, feif, feis, fers, fess, fest, fets, fett, fice, fict, fief, fier, fies, fife, fire, firs, fisc, fise, fish, fist, fits, fitt, fret, fris, frit, heft, heir, hers, hert, hest, hets, hics, hies, hire, hiss, hist, hits, icer, ices, ichs, ires, isth, itch, iter, recs, rect, refs, reft, rehs, reif, reit, rest, rets, rhet, rice, rich, ries, rife, riff, rifs, rift, risc, rise, rist, rite, rits, ritt, scet, scfh, scsi, sech, secs, sect, seif, seir, seis, seit, serf, sers, sert, seth, sets, sett, sher, shes, shet, shir, shit, shri, sice, sich, sics, sier, sife, sift, sire, sirs, sise, sish, sist, site, sith, sits, sris, ster, stet, stie, stir, stre, tche, tchr, tech, teff, tefs, tehr, terf, test, teth, tets, thir, this, tice, tich, tics, tier, ties, tiff, tift, tire, tite, tits, tres, tret, trie, trit, tshi
3 Letter Words for Festschrift
cer, cfh, cfi, cfs, che, chi, chs, cie, cif, cir, cis, cit, crs, crt, csi, cst, cte, ctf, ctr, cts, ech, ect, eff, efs, eft, ehf, ehs, eir, erf, ers, ert, esc, esr, ess, est, etc, eth, fcs, fec, feh, fei, fer, fes, fet, fie, fir, fit, fri, frs, frt, fsh, fth, hcf, hei, her, hes, het, hic, hie, hir, his, hit, hrs, hts, ice, ich, ifc, ife, iff, ifs, ihs, ire, irs, ise, ish, ist, its, rct, rec, ref, reh, rei, res, rfs, rhe, rie, rif, rit, rte, rti, scf, sch, sci, scr, sct, sec, sei, ser, set, she, shf, shi, shr, sht, sic, sie, sif, sir, sis, sit, sri, sse, ssh, str, tch, tec, tef, ter, tes, tet, tfr, the, tic, tie, tis, tit, trf, tri, trs, trt, tsh, tsi, tss, tst
Definitions for Festschrift
[1] (often initial capital letter ) a volume of articles, essays, etc., contributed by many authors in honor of a colleague, usually published on the occasion of retirement, an important anniversary, or the like.
[2] a collection of essays or learned papers contributed by a number of people to honour an eminent scholar, esp a colleague
Words nearby Festschrift
festive season, festivity, festoon, festoon blind, festoonery, festschrift, festuca, festy, fet, fet-, feta
Origin of Festschrift
1900–05; < German, equivalent to Fest feast, festival + Schrift writing
Word origin for Festschrift
German, from Fest celebration, feast + Schrift writing