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Showing words for FETAL using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Fetal
aleft, alfet, fetal
4 Letter Words for Fetal
alef, atef, atle, fate, feal, feat, felt, feta, flat, flea, flet, laet, laft, late, leaf, leat, left, tael, tale, teal, tela
3 Letter Words for Fetal
aft, ale, alf, alt, ate, eat, efl, eft, ela, elf, elt, eta, fat, fet, flt, lat, lea, let, tal, tea, tef, tel
Definitions for Fetal
[1] of, relating to, or having the character of a fetus.
[2] of, relating to, or resembling a fetus
Words nearby Fetal
festuca, festy, fet, fet-, feta, fetal, fetal age, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, fetal alcohol syndrome, fetal aspiration syndrome, fetal diagnosis
Origin of Fetal
First recorded in 1805–15; fet(us) + -al1
Words that may be confused with Fetal
fatal, fateful, fetal, (see, synonym, study, at, fatal)
Other words from Fetal
post·fe·tal , adjective
post·foe·tal , adjective
fetal adjective
Synonyms for Fetal
during pregnancy