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Showing words for FETCHING using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Fetching

fechting, fetching

7 Letter Words for Fetching

etching, hefting

6 Letter Words for Fetching

ceftin, chetif, eching, ethnic, feting, figent, fitche, heting, infect

5 Letter Words for Fetching

ceint, centi, cetin, cheng, chief, chien, chine, ching, chint, ehing, eight, ethic, fecht, fecit, feign, feint, fetch, fiche, fient, fight, finch, fitch, genic, genit, hinge, neigh, niche, nicht, night, nitch, tench, thegn, theic, thein, thief, thine, thing, tinge

4 Letter Words for Fetching

cent, ceti, chef, chen, chge, chin, chit, cine, cite, ctge, echt, eigh, etch, etic, feni, fent, fice, fict, fine, geic, gein, geit, gent, gien, gift, gite, gith, heft, heng, hent, hine, hing, hint, inch, itch, neif, neth, neti, nice, nief, nife, nigh, tche, tech, teng, then, thig, thin, tice, tich, tien, tige, tinc, tine, ting

3 Letter Words for Fetching

cen, cfh, cfi, che, chg, chi, chn, cie, cif, cig, cit, cte, ctf, ctg, ctn, ecg, ech, ect, eft, ehf, enc, eng, etc, eth, fec, feh, fei, fen, fet, fgn, fie, fig, fin, fit, fth, gen, get, gie, gif, gin, git, gtc, gte, hcf, hei, hen, het, hgt, hic, hie, hin, hit, ice, ich, ifc, ife, ign, inc, inf, ing, int, nef, neg, nei, net, nie, nig, nit, nth, tch, tec, tef, teg, ten, tgn, the, tic, tie, tig, tin, tng

Definitions for Fetching

[1] charming; captivating.
[2] to go and bring back; return with; get: to go up a hill to fetch a pail of water.
[3] to cause to come; bring: to fetch a doctor.
[4] to sell for or bring (a price, financial return, etc.): The horse fetched $50 more than it cost.
[5] Informal . to charm; captivate: Her beauty fetched the coldest hearts.
[6] to take (a breath).
[7] to utter (a sigh, groan, etc.).
[8] to deal or deliver (a stroke, blow, etc.).
[9] to perform or execute (a movement, step, leap, etc.).
[10] Chiefly Nautical and British Dialect . to reach; arrive at: to fetch port.
[11] Hunting . (of a dog) to retrieve (game).
[12] to go and bring things.
[13] Chiefly Nautical . to move or maneuver.
[14] Hunting . to retrieve game (often used as a command to a dog).
[15] to go by an indirect route; circle (often followed by around or about ): We fetched around through the outer suburbs.
[16] the act of fetching.
[17] the distance of fetching: a long fetch.
[18] Oceanography . an area where ocean waves are being generated by the wind. the length of such an area.
[19] the reach or stretch of a thing.
[20] a trick; dodge.
[21] fetch about , Nautical . (of a sailing vessel) to come onto a new tack.
[22] fetch up , Informal . to arrive or stop. Older Use . to raise (children); bring up: She had to fetch up her younger sisters. Nautical . (of a vessel) to come to a halt, as by lowering an anchor or running aground; bring up.
[23] attractively befitting a fetching hat
[24] charming a fetching personality
[25] to go after and bring back; get to fetch help
[26] to cause to come; bring or draw forth the noise fetched him from the cellar
[27] (also intr) to cost or sell for (a certain price) the table fetched six hundred pounds
[28] to utter (a sigh, groan, etc)
[29] informal to deal (a blow, slap, etc)
[30] (also intr) nautical to arrive at or proceed by sailing
[31] informal to attract to be fetched by an idea
[32] (used esp as a command to dogs) to retrieve (shot game, an object thrown, etc)
[33] rare to draw in (a breath, gasp, etc), esp with difficulty
[34] fetch and carry to perform menial tasks or run errands
[35] the reach, stretch, etc, of a mechanism
[36] a trick or stratagem
[37] the distance in the direction of the prevailing wind that air or water can travel continuously without obstruction
[38] the ghost or apparition of a living person

Words related to Fetching

enchanting, enticing, intriguing, fascinating, taking, charming, luring, tempting, pleasing, captivating, beautiful, cute, sweet, winsome

Words nearby Fetching

fetch, fetch and carry, fetch up, fetched, fetcher, fetching, fete, fete day, feterita, feti-, fetial

Origin of Fetching

1before 1000; Middle English fecchen, Old English fecc(e)an, variant of fetian to fetch (compare Middle English feten, fetten, British dialect fet; akin to Old English -fat in sīthfat journey, German fassen to grasp)

Other words from Fetching

fetch·ing·ly , adverb
un·fetch·ing , adjective
fetch·er , noun

Word origin for Fetching

C18: of unknown origin

Synonyms for Fetching

enchanting, captivating, charming, enticing, fascinating, intriguing, luring, pleasing, taking, tempting, beautiful, cute, sweet, winsome