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Showing words for FEZ using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Fez
Definitions for Fez
[1] a felt cap, usually of a red color, having the shape of a truncated cone, and ornamented with a long black tassel, worn by men in Egypt and North Africa: formerly the national headdress of the Turks.
[2] a city in N Morocco: formerly one of the traditional capitals of the sultanate in the former French zone.
[3] a city in N Morocco: formerly one of the traditional capitals of the sultanate in the former French zone.
[4] an originally Turkish brimless felt or wool cap, shaped like a truncated cone, usually red and with a tassel
[5] a variant of Fès
[6] a city in N central Morocco, traditional capital of the north: became an independent kingdom in the 11th century, at its height in the 14th century; religious centre; university (850). Pop: 664 000 (2003)
Words related to Fez
beret, bonnet, beanie, pillbox, skullcap, DINK, tam
Words nearby Fez
fey, feydeau, feynman, feynman diagram, feynman diagram, fez, fezzan, ff, ffa, ffc, ffestiniog
Origin of Fez
1795–1805; < Turkish fes, after Fes Fez
Other words from Fez
fez·zy , adjective
Word origin for Fez
C19: via French from Turkish, from Fez
Synonyms for Fez
beret, DINK, beanie, bonnet, pillbox, skullcap, tam, tam o'shanter