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Showing words for FICTION using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Fiction
6 Letter Words for Fiction
5 Letter Words for Fiction
4 Letter Words for Fiction
3 Letter Words for Fiction
Definitions for Fiction
[1] the class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration, especially in prose form.
[2] works of this class, as novels or short stories: detective fiction.
[3] something feigned, invented, or imagined; a made-up story: We've all heard the fiction of her being in delicate health.
[4] the act of feigning, inventing, or imagining.
[5] an imaginary thing or event, postulated for the purposes of argument or explanation.
[6] Law . an allegation that a fact exists that is known not to exist, made by authority of law to bring a case within the operation of a rule of law.
[7] literary works invented by the imagination, such as novels or short stories
[8] an invented story or explanation; lie
[9] the act of inventing a story or explanation
[10] law something assumed to be true for the sake of convenience, though probably false
Words related to Fiction
drama, novel, myth, imagination, fable, yarn, tale, fantasy, book, narrative, legend, prevarication, lie, falsehood, invention, crock, improvisation, romance, concoction, whopper
Words nearby Fiction
fico, ficoll-hypaque technique, ficosis, fict., fictile, fiction, fictional, fictionalize, fictioneer, fictionist, fictionize
Origin of Fiction
1375–1425; late Middle English < Latin fictiōn- (stem of fictiō ) a shaping, hence a feigning, fiction, equivalent to fict(us ) molded (past participle of fingere ) + -iōn- -ion
Words that may be confused with Fiction
facetious, factious, factitious, fictional, fictitious, factitious, fictional, fictitious, fictive
Other words from Fiction
fic·tion·al , adjective
fic·tion·al·ly , adverb
pro·fic·tion , adjective
sem·i·fic·tion , noun
sem·i·fic·tion·al , adjective
sem·i·fic·tion·al·ly , adverb
Word origin for Fiction
C14: from Latin fictiō a fashioning, hence something imaginary, from fingere to shape
Synonyms for Fiction
best seller, book, drama, fable, fantasy, imagination, legend, myth, narrative, novel, tale, yarn, anecdote, clothesline, concoction, crock, fabrication, falsehood, fancy, fib, hooey, improvisation, invention, lie, misrepresentation, potboiler, prevarication, romance, smoke, untruth, whopper, cliff-hanger, figment of imagination, fish story, storytelling, tall story, terminological inexactitude, work of imagination