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Showing words for FIGURING using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Figuring


7 Letter Words for Figuring


6 Letter Words for Figuring

firing, gruing, urging

5 Letter Words for Figuring

frigg, fungi, iring, ruing, unrig

4 Letter Words for Figuring

fini, firn, frig, frug, fung, furn, ging, giri, girn, grig, grin, gruf, grun, gung, gurn, rigg, ring, ruin, rung

3 Letter Words for Figuring

fgn, fig, fin, fir, frg, fri, fug, fun, fur, ggr, gif, gig, gin, gnu, grf, gui, gun, gur, igg, ign, inf, ing, nig, nur, rif, rig, rin, rug, run, ung, uni, urf, urn

Definitions for Figuring

[1] a numerical symbol, especially an Arabic numeral.
[2] an amount or value expressed in numbers.
[3] figures, the use of numbers in calculating; arithmetic: to be poor at figures.
[4] a written symbol other than a letter.
[5] form or shape, as determined by outlines or exterior surfaces: to be round, square, or cubical in figure.
[6] the bodily form or frame: a slender or graceful figure.
[7] an individual bodily form or a person with reference to form or appearance: A tall figure stood in the doorway.
[8] a character or personage, especially one of distinction: a well-known figure in society.
[9] a person's public image or presence: a controversial political figure.
[10] the appearance or impression made by a person or sometimes a thing: to make quite a figure in financial circles; to present a wretched figure of poverty.
[11] a representation, pictorial or sculptured, especially of the human form: The frieze was bordered with the figures of men and animals.
[12] an emblem, type, or symbol: The dove is a figure of peace.
[13] Rhetoric . a figure of speech.
[14] a textural pattern, as in cloth or wood: draperies with an embossed silk figure.
[15] a distinct movement or division of a dance.
[16] a movement, pattern, or series of movements in skating.
[17] Music . a short succession of musical notes, as either a melody or a group of chords, that produces a single complete and distinct impression.
[18] Geometry . a combination of geometric elements disposed in a particular form or shape: The circle, square, and polygon are plane figures. The sphere, cube, and polyhedron are solid figures.
[19] Logic . the form of a categorical syllogism with respect to the relative position of the middle term.
[20] Optics . the precise curve required on the surface of an optical element, especially the mirror or correcting plate of a reflecting telescope.
[21] the natural pattern on a sawed wood surface produced by the intersection of knots, burls, growth rings, etc.
[22] a phantasm or illusion.
[23] to compute or calculate (often followed by up ): to figure up a total.
[24] to express in figures.
[25] to mark or adorn with a design or pattern.
[26] to portray by speech or action.
[27] to represent or express by a figure of speech.
[28] to represent by a pictorial or sculptured figure, a diagram, or the like; picture or depict; trace (an outline, silhouette, etc.).
[29] Informal . to conclude, judge, reason, or think about: I figured that you wanted me to stay.
[30] Music . to embellish with passing notes or other decorations. to write figures above or below (a bass part) to indicate accompanying chords.
[31] to compute or work with numerical figures.
[32] to be or appear, especially in a conspicuous or prominent way: His name figures importantly in my report.
[33] Informal . (of a situation, act, request, etc.) to be logical, expected, or reasonable: He quit the job when he didn't get a raise—it figured.
[34] figure in , to add in: Figure in rent and utilities as overhead.
[35] figure on , Informal . to count or rely on. to take into consideration; plan on: You had better figure on running into heavy traffic leaving the city.
[36] figure out , Informal . to understand; solve: We couldn't figure out where all the money had gone. to calculate; compute.
[37] figure up , Informal . to total: The bill figures up to exactly $1000.
[38] cut a figure . cut(defs 84, 85b) .
[39] any written symbol other than a letter, esp a whole number
[40] another name for digit (def. 2)
[41] an amount expressed numerically a figure of 1800 was suggested
[42] (plural) calculations with numbers he's good at figures
[43] visible shape or form; outline
[44] the human form, esp as regards size or shape a girl with a slender figure
[45] a slim bodily shape (esp in the phrases keep or lose one's figure )
[46] a character or personage, esp a prominent or notable one; personality a figure in politics
[47] the impression created by a person through behaviour (esp in the phrase to cut a fine, bold, etc, figure )
[48] a person as impressed on the mind the figure of Napoleon (in combination ) father-figure
[49] a representation in painting or sculpture, esp of the human form
[50] an illustration or explanatory diagram in a text
[51] a representative object or symbol; emblem
[52] a pattern or design, as on fabric or in wood
[53] a predetermined set of movements in dancing or skating
[54] geometry any combination of points, lines, curves, or planes. A plane figure , such as a circle, encloses an area; a solid figure such as a sphere, encloses a volume
[55] rhetoric See figure of speech
[56] logic one of the four possible arrangements of the three terms in the premises of a syllogism Compare mood 2 (def. 2)
[57] music a numeral written above or below a note in a part See figured bass, thorough bass a characteristic short pattern of notes
[58] (when tr, often foll by up ) to calculate or compute (sums, amounts, etc)
[59] (tr; usually takes a clause as object) informal , mainly US , Canadian and NZ to think or conclude; consider
[60] (tr) to represent by a diagram or illustration
[61] (tr) to pattern or mark with a design
[62] (tr) to depict or portray in a painting, etc
[63] (tr) rhetoric to express by means of a figure of speech
[64] (tr) to imagine
[65] (tr) music to decorate (a melody line or part) with ornamentation to provide figures above or below (a bass part) as an indication of the accompanying harmonies required See figured bass, thorough bass
[66] (intr usually foll by in ) to be included his name figures in the article
[67] (intr) informal to accord with expectation; be logical it figures that he wouldn't come
[68] go figure informal an expression of surprise, astonishment, wonder, etc

Words nearby Figuring

figurefigurate, figurate number, figuration, figurative, figurative language, figure, figure and ground, figure eight, figure eight suture, figure in, figure of eight

Origin of Figuring

e1175–1225; Middle English < Old French < Latin figūra shape, trope, equivalent to fig- (base of fingere to shape) + -ūra -ure

Other words from Figuring

fig·ur·a·ble , adjective
fig·ure·less , adjective
fig·ur·er , noun
out·fig·ure , verb (used with object), out·fig·ured, out·fig·ur·ing.
re·fig·ure , verb (used with object), re·fig·ured, re·fig·ur·ing.
sub·fig·ure , noun
un·fig·ur·a·ble , adjective

Word origin for Figuring

eC13: from Latin figūra a shape, from fingere to mould

Synonyms for Figuring

ciphering, computation, counting, reckoning, totaling