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Showing words for FISHY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Fishy
4 Letter Words for Fishy
3 Letter Words for Fishy
Definitions for Fishy
[1] like a fish in shape, smell, taste, or the like.
[2] consisting of fish.
[3] abounding in fish.
[4] Informal . improbable, as a story; unlikely.
[5] Informal . of questionable character; suspicious: The sudden knockout was fishy.
[6] dull and expressionless: fishy eyes.
[7] of, involving, or suggestive of fish
[8] abounding in fish
[9] informal suspicious, doubtful, or questionable their leaving at the same time looked fishy
[10] dull and lifeless a fishy look
Words related to Fishy
odd, dubious, ambiguous, equivocal, far-fetched, funny, implausible, improbable, problematic, queer, questionable, shady, suspect, uncertain, unlikely, dubitable
Words nearby Fishy
fishtail, fishtank, fishway, fishwife, fishworm, fishy, fisk, fiske, fissi-, fissile, fission
Origin of Fishy
First recorded in 1540–50; fish + -y1
Other words from Fishy
fish·i·ly , adverb
fish·i·ness , noun
Synonyms for Fishy
dubious, odd, ambiguous, doubtable, dubitable, equivocal, far-fetched, funny, implausible, improbable, problematic, queer, questionable, shady, suspect, uncertain, unlikely