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Showing words for FLABBY using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Flabby
5 Letter Words for Flabby
4 Letter Words for Flabby
3 Letter Words for Flabby
Definitions for Flabby
[1] hanging loosely or limply, as flesh or muscles; flaccid.
[2] having such flesh.
[3] lacking strength or determination.
[4] lacking firmness; loose or yielding flabby muscles
[5] having flabby flesh, esp through being overweight
[6] lacking vitality; weak; ineffectual
Words related to Flabby
lax, sloppy, drooping, enervated, flaccid, floppy, hanging, limp, loose, pendulous, rusty, shapeless, slack, soft, tender, unfit, yielding, flexuous, sagging, toneless
Words nearby Flabby
fl. oz., fla., flab, flabbergast, flabbergasted, flabby, flabellate, flabelli-, flabellum, flaccid, flack
Origin of Flabby
1690–1700; apparently expressive alteration of earlier flappy, with same sense; see flap, -y1; compare late Middle English flabband (attested once), evidently with sense “flapping”
Other words from Flabby
flab·bi·ly , adverb
flab·bi·ness , noun
Word origin for Flabby
C17: alteration of flappy , from flap + -y 1 ; compare Dutch flabbe drooping lip
Synonyms for Flabby
lax, sloppy, drooping, enervated, flaccid, flexuous, floppy, gone to seed, hanging, irresilient, limp, loose, out of condition, out of shape, pendulous, rusty, sagging, shapeless, slack, soft, tender, toneless, unfit, yielding