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Showing words for FLAK using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Flak
3 Letter Words for Flak
Definitions for Flak
[1] antiaircraft fire, especially as experienced by the crews of combat airplanes at which the fire is directed.
[2] criticism; hostile reaction; abuse: Such an unpopular decision is bound to draw a lot of flak from the press.
[3] anti-aircraft fire or artillery
[4] informal a great deal of adverse criticism
Words related to Flak
opposition, knock, swipe, abuse, hostility, condemnation, censure, disparagement, disapprobation, disapproval, rap, pan, brickbat, fault-finding
Words nearby Flak
flaherty, flail, flail chest, flail joint, flair, flak, flak jacket, flak suit, flake, flake out, flake tool
Origin of Flak
1935–40; < German Fl(ieger)a(bwehr)k(anone ) antiaircraft gun, equivalent to Flieger aircraft (literally, flyer) + Abwehr defense + Kanone gun, cannon
Words that may be confused with Flak
Word origin for Flak
C20: from German Fl (ieger ) a (bwehr ) k (anone ), literally: aircraft defence gun
Synonyms for Flak
abuse, brickbat, censure, condemnation, disapprobation, disapproval, disparagement, hostility, knock, opposition, pan, rap, swipe, bad press, fault-finding