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Showing words for FLAMEOUT using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Flameout

flameout, outflame

7 Letter Words for Flameout

luteoma, outfame, tomeful

6 Letter Words for Flameout

amulet, flauto, fluate, folate, fotmal, muleta, ulmate

5 Letter Words for Flameout

afoul, aleft, aleut, alfet, aloft, alout, amelu, amlet, amole, atelo, atole, atule, autem, fault, faute, femal, fetal, flame, fleam, float, flota, flote, flout, flume, flute, fouat, fouet, foule, foute, fumet, leuma, lomta, lutea, luteo, maleo, malto, matlo, meaul, metal, metol, molet, motel, moule, mulet, multo, oleum, ulema

4 Letter Words for Flameout

alef, alem, alme, aloe, alto, alum, amel, atef, atle, atmo, atom, aute, auto, etua, fame, fate, faut, feal, feat, felt, feta, flam, flat, flea, flet, floe, flot, flue, foal, foam, fole, foul, fuel, fula, fuma, fume, fute, laet, laft, lame, late, lauf, leaf, leam, leat, left, leto, loaf, loam, loft, loma, lome, lota, lote, lout, lute, male, malo, malt, mate, maul, maut, meal, meat, mela, melt, meta, moat, moet, mola, mole, molt, mota, mote, motu, moue, moul, mout, mule, mult, muta, mute, olam, olea, outa, tael, tale, tame, taum, teal, team, tela, toea, tofu, tola, tole, tolu, tome, tufa, tula, tule, tume, ulmo, ulta, ulto

3 Letter Words for Flameout

aft, ale, alf, alo, alt, ame, amt, amu, ate, atm, auf, aul, aum, eam, eat, eau, efl, eft, ela, elf, elm, elt, emf, emo, emu, eof, eom, eta, fam, fao, fat, fem, fet, feu, flo, flt, flu, fmt, foe, fol, fot, fou, fum, fut, lam, lao, lat, lea, lem, leo, let, leu, loa, loe, lof, lot, ltm, lue, lum, luo, lut, mae, mal, mao, mat, mau, mea, mel, met, meu, mfa, moa, moe, mol, mot, mou, mut, oaf, oam, oat, oft, ola, ole, olm, ouf, out, tal, tam, tao, tau, tea, tef, tel, tem, tlo, toa, toe, tol, tom, tou, tua, tue, tum, ufa, ufo, ula, ule, ult, uma, ume, uta, ute

Definitions for Flameout

[1] the failure of a jet engine due to an interruption of the fuel supply or to faulty combustion.
[2] burning gas or vapor, as from wood or coal, that is undergoing combustion; a portion of ignited gas or vapor.
[3] Often flames . the state or condition of blazing combustion: to burst into flames.
[4] any flamelike condition; glow; inflamed condition.
[5] brilliant light; scintillating luster.
[6] bright coloring; a streak or patch of color.
[7] flame color.
[8] intense ardor, zeal, or passion.
[9] Informal . an object of one's passionate love; sweetheart: He's taking out his new flame tonight.
[10] Computer Slang . an angry, critical, or disparaging electronic message, as an online comment.
[11] to burn with a flame or flames; burst into flames; blaze.
[12] to glow like flame; shine brilliantly; flash.
[13] to burn or burst forth with strong emotion; break into open anger, indignation, etc.
[14] Computer Slang . to post an angry, critical, or disparaging electronic message, as an online comment.
[15] to subject to the action of flame or fire.
[16] to flambé.
[17] Computer Slang . to insult or criticize angrily in an online post or comment.
[18] flame out , (of a jet engine) to cease to function due to an interruption of the fuel supply or to faulty combustion. to burst out in or as if in flames.
[19] the failure of an aircraft jet engine in flight due to extinction of the flame
[20] a complete failure
[21] (of a jet engine) to fail in flight or to cause (a jet engine) to fail in flight
[22] a hot usually luminous body of burning gas often containing small incandescent particles, typically emanating in flickering streams from burning material or produced by a jet of ignited gas
[23] (often plural) the state or condition of burning with flames to burst into flames
[24] a brilliant light; fiery glow
[25] a strong reddish-orange colour (as adjective ) a flame carpet
[26] intense passion or ardour; burning emotion
[27] informal a lover or sweetheart (esp in the phrase an old flame )
[28] informal an abusive message sent by electronic mail, esp to express anger or criticism of an internet user
[29] to burn or cause to burn brightly; give off or cause to give off flame
[30] (intr) to burn or glow as if with fire; become red or fiery his face flamed with anger
[31] (intr) to show great emotion; become angry or excited
[32] (tr) to apply a flame to (something)
[33] (tr) archaic to set on fire, either physically or with emotion
[34] informal to send an abusive message by electronic mail

Words nearby Flameout

flame-outflame-out, flame-thrower, flamefish, flamen, flamenco, flame-out, flameproof, flamethrower, flaming, flaming sword, flamingo

Origin of Flameout

1300–50; (noun) Middle English flaume < Anglo-French, variant of flaumbe; Old French flambe, earlier flamble < Latin flammula, diminutive of flamma flame (see -ule); (v.) Middle English flaumen < Anglo-French flaum(b)er; Old French flamber < Latin flammāre, derivative of flamma

Other words from Flameout

flam·er , noun
flame·less , adjective
flame·like , adjective
out·flame , verb (used with object), out·flamed, out·flam·ing.
pre·flame , adjective
un·der·flame , noun

Word origin for Flameout

C14: from Anglo-French flaume , from Old French flambe , modification of flamble , from Latin flammula a little flame, from flamma flame