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Showing words for FLEETING using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Fleeting
7 Letter Words for Fleeting
6 Letter Words for Fleeting
5 Letter Words for Fleeting
4 Letter Words for Fleeting
3 Letter Words for Fleeting
Definitions for Fleeting
[1] passing swiftly; vanishing quickly; transient; transitory: fleeting beauty; a fleeting glance.
[2] swift; rapid: to be fleet of foot; a fleet horse.
[3] to move swiftly; fly.
[4] Nautical . to change position; shift.
[5] Archaic . to glide along like a stream. to fade; vanish.
[6] Obsolete . to float; drift; swim.
[7] to cause (time) to pass lightly or swiftly.
[8] Nautical . to move or change the position of. to separate the blocks of (a tackle). to lay (a rope) along a deck.
[9] rapid and transient a fleeting glimpse of the sea
[10] a number of warships organized as a tactical unit
[11] all the warships of a nation
[12] a number of aircraft, ships, buses, etc, operating together or under the same ownership
[13] rapid in movement; swift
[14] poetic fleeting; transient
[15] (intr) to move rapidly
[16] (intr) archaic to fade away smoothly; glide
[17] (tr) nautical to change the position of (a hawser) to pass (a messenger or lead) to a hawser from a winch for hauling in to spread apart (the blocks of a tackle)
[18] (intr) obsolete to float or swim
[19] (tr) obsolete to cause (time) to pass rapidly
[20] mainly Southeast English a small coastal inlet; creek
[21] a stream that formerly ran into the Thames between Ludgate Hill and Fleet Street and is now a covered sewer
[22] Also called: Fleet Prison (formerly) a London prison, esp used for holding debtors
Words related to Fleeting
short-lived, ephemeral, transitory, sudden, cursory, fading, momentary, passing, flying, flitting, short, evanescent, fugitive, impermanent, meteoric, temporary, volatile, fugacious
Words nearby Fleeting
fleet ballistic missile submarine, fleet chief petty officer, fleet rate, fleet street, fleet-footed, fleeting, fleetwood, flegel's disease, flegenheimer, flehmen, fleishig
Origin of Fleeting
2before 900; Middle English fleten to be fleet, Old English flēotan to float; see float
Other words from Fleeting
fleet·ing·ly , adverb
fleet·ing·ness , noun
un·fleet·ing , adjective
fleet·ly , adverb
fleet·ness , noun
Word origin for Fleeting
Old English flēot flowing water; see fleet 1
Synonyms for Fleeting
cursory, ephemeral, fading, momentary, short-lived, sudden, transitory, flitting, flying, passing, short, vanishing, evanescent, flash in the pan, fugacious, fugitive, impermanent, meteoric, temporary, volatile