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Showing words for FLETCHING using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Fletching
8 Letter Words for Fletching
clefting, fechting, fetching, flitchen
7 Letter Words for Fletching
enlight, etching, felting, hefting, inflect, leching, lighten, linchet, neftgil, tinchel
6 Letter Words for Fletching
ceftin, chetif, chilte, cingle, client, clithe, eching, elfing, eltchi, engilt, ethnic, feting, figent, finlet, fitche, fleing, flench, fletch, flight, flinch, flitch, gentil, gilten, glitch, heling, heting, hingle, infect, infelt, lecthi, lectin, length, lentic, lichen, linget, tichel, tingle
5 Letter Words for Fletching
ceint, centi, cetin, cheng, chief, chiel, chien, chine, ching, chint, cinel, cleft, clift, cline, cling, clint, clite, ehing, eight, elchi, elfic, elfin, elint, enlit, ethic, fecht, fecit, feign, feint, fetch, fiche, fient, fight, filch, filet, filth, finch, fitch, flche, flect, fling, flint, flite, genic, genit, gilet, gleit, glent, glift, glint, hinge, incle, ingle, inlet, intel, legin, legit, lench, lenth, lenti, licet, licht, lifen, light, ligne, linch, linge, litch, lithe, neigh, niche, nicht, nifle, night, nitch, telic, tench, thegn, theic, thein, thelf, thief, thine, thing, tinge
4 Letter Words for Fletching
ceil, celt, cent, ceti, chef, chen, chge, chil, chin, chit, ciel, cine, cite, clef, cleg, clin, clit, ctge, echt, eigh, elhi, encl, engl, etch, etic, feil, felt, feni, fent, fice, fict, fiel, file, filt, fine, fleg, flet, flic, flit, geic, gein, geit, genl, gent, gien, gift, gile, gilt, gite, gith, glei, glen, glit, heft, heil, heli, heng, hent, hile, hilt, hine, hing, hint, htel, ilth, inch, incl, infl, intl, itch, itel, lech, lect, left, leng, lent, lgth, lice, lich, lief, lien, life, lift, lige, line, ling, lint, lite, lith, neif, neth, neti, nice, nief, nife, nigh, nile, tche, tech, teil, teli, teng, then, thig, thin, tice, tich, tien, tige, tile, tinc, tine, ting
3 Letter Words for Fletching
cel, cen, cfh, cfi, che, chg, chi, chn, cie, cif, cig, cit, cli, cte, ctf, ctg, ctn, ecg, ech, ect, efl, eft, ehf, elf, eli, elt, enc, eng, enl, etc, eth, fec, feh, fei, fen, fet, fgn, fie, fig, fil, fin, fit, flt, fth, gel, gen, get, gie, gif, gin, git, glt, gtc, gte, hcf, hcl, hei, hel, hen, het, hgt, hic, hie, hin, hit, ice, ich, ifc, ife, ign, ile, inc, inf, ing, int, leg, lei, let, lie, lif, lig, lin, lit, nef, neg, nei, net, nie, nig, nil, nit, nth, tch, tec, tef, teg, tel, ten, tgn, the, tic, tie, tig, til, tin, tlc, tln, tng
Definitions for Fletching
[1] the feathers on an arrow, which stabilize it during flight.
[2] to provide (an arrow) with a feather.
[3] another word for fledge (def. 2)
Words nearby Fletching
fletc, fletch, fletcher, fletcherism, fletcherize, fletching, fletchings, fletschhorn, flettner control, fleur, fleur-de-lis
Origin of Fletching
First recorded in 1625–35; back formation from fletcher
Other words from Fletching
un·fletched , adjective
Word origin for Fletching
C17: probably back formation from fletcher