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Showing words for FLICKS using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Flicks


5 Letter Words for Flicks

flick, flics, flisk, licks, slick

4 Letter Words for Flicks

fils, fisc, fisk, flic, ilks, kifs, lick, lisk, scil, sclk, sick, silk, skil, slik

3 Letter Words for Flicks

cfi, cfs, cif, cis, cli, clk, csi, csk, fcs, fil, ick, ifc, ifs, ilk, isl, kif, kil, ksi, lif, lis, lsc, scf, sci, sic, sif, sil, ski

Definitions for Flicks

[1] a sudden light blow or tap, as with a whip or the finger: She gave the horse a flick with her riding crop.
[2] the sound made by such a blow or tap.
[3] a light and rapid movement: a flick of the wrist.
[4] something thrown off with or as if with a jerk: a flick of mud.
[5] to strike lightly with a whip, the finger, etc.
[6] to remove with such a stroke: to flick away a crumb.
[7] to move (something) with a sudden stroke or jerk.
[8] to move with a jerk or jerks.
[9] to flutter.
[10] a motion picture.
[11] (tr) to touch with or as if with the finger or hand in a quick jerky movement
[12] (tr) to propel or remove by a quick jerky movement, usually of the fingers or hand to flick a piece of paper at someone
[13] to move or cause to move quickly or jerkily
[14] (intr foll by through ) to read or look at (a book, newspaper, etc) quickly or idly
[15] to snap or click (the fingers) to produce a sharp sound
[16] a tap or quick stroke with the fingers, a whip, etc
[17] the sound made by such a stroke
[18] a fleck, streak, or particle
[19] give someone the flick informal to dismiss someone from consideration
[20] a cinema film
[21] the flicks the cinema what's on at the flicks tonight?

Words related to Flicks

nap, tap, flip, tip, flicker, hit, dab, pat

Words nearby Flicks

flickflibbert, flibbertigibbet, flic, flicflac, flichter, flick, flick knife, flick-knife, flick-pass, flicker, flickertail

Origin of Flicks

2First recorded in 1925–30; shortening of flicker1

Word origin for Flicks

C15: of imitative origin; compare French flicflac

Synonyms for Flicks

flip, snap, tap, dab, flicker, hit, pat, tip, touch lightly